So.. If the Media is really "conservative"...

A bit, but then I had to take an extra pain pill earlier. Perhaps if I eat a couple more it will all become clear.

Or stand on my head while reading their posts in a mirror.
there you go, one of those may work!
Our government hasn't changed and we hardly get any "anti-war" protest stories anymore.

It'll only come back to our screens if the Afghanistan situation gets a lot worse.

Last I noticed this wasn't the opening on any tv news:

2 US troops killed in Afghanistan
(AP) – 13 hours ago

KABUL — The NATO-led force in Afghanistan says attacks have killed two U.S. troops, keeping August on track to be the deadliest month of the war for the U.S. military.

NATO says one American died Wednesday after an improvised explosive device detonated in southern Afghanistan. A second service member was killed in an attack in the east. No other information was released.
The two deaths bring to 43 the number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan this month. July was the deadliest month of the nearly eight-year war — 44 U.S. troops died. But with five days left in August, this month could again set a new record.

The Taliban insurgency is more violent than ever. A record number of U.S. troops are now in the country — more than 60,000 — one of the reasons death tolls have climbed.

(This version CORRECTS APNewsNow. corrects number of US troops who died in July to 44)

Over here the print media and the tv news are giving Afghanistan a considerable amount of coverage, mainly focussing on government mismanagement and the British death toll approaching and then passing the 200 mark (the media tend to like round numbers for some reason).

However, with all political parties supporting it, while simultaneously being unable to explain exactly why we're there, the public seems rather resigned to the appearance of a steady trickle of flag draped coffins being carried off transport planes at RAF Lyneham.

Anti-war protests just aren't big enough or sexy enough to sell advertising any more.
You know this is pretty strange. Bush war supporters protesting a non protest on the wars.
I am not sure what to call it might have to invent another word.
Do you even read what is in the thread? The question is about the coverage, not the protests. The protests are still there, it is the coverage that is non-existent. Occasionally you get a one day coverage from one of the 24/7s, sometimes you even get a good story, but it is the TV equivalent of putting it on page 32-B...
Wow.... a story about how they hope that the media will start reporting on them! That proves that the Media is really conservative! Thanks, there, Onceler...

I made no comment. I merely posted a link.

Hey...where have I heard that before?
I made no comment. I merely posted a link.

Hey...where have I heard that before?
And "all" I did was say thank you. Difference, posting an article to start a discussion is not the same thing as posting one in response as an expression of your opinion especially after so many spent many hours (were you one of them?) trying to apologize for the press' disinterest.

I do like that the story you posted had them complaining about exactly what I pointed out, they aren't getting coverage.
I agree with you and its probably because of my political leanings (and my partisanship) that I notice it. For example, locally in the Bay Area, the S.F. Chronicle use to write articles on individuals and groups as small as five people who were protesting war (usually Iraq) and Bush. And I'm talking in the 2007-2008 time frame, not just at the start of the wars. They haven't written any of those types of articles since Obama's been in office.

Well then posting a link to aat least one article about "5 people protesting Iraq" shouldn't be too tough, should it?
My point is.. where is the coverage?

If five people gathered to say something bad about Bush it would be on the next news cycle, now with 24 hour news we get stories of dogs who are raising a litter of phones (not kidding) but nothing about protesters...

Do you think now that we're coming up on 3000 days of the war in Iraq may have something to do with it? What's news about a few women holding signs marching in front of the White House? It's not the activity that has abated, it's the interest.
I would bet that the support for the Iraq war today, if polled, would be at an all-time low, and support for a new push in Afghanistan wouldn"t be much stronger. Who is President doesn't matter to those who care.
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Well then posting a link to aat least one article about "5 people protesting Iraq" shouldn't be too tough, should it?

from the link provided above....
After Sunday's meeting, Perry, the organizer, held a training session for first-time protesters in the sanctuary of a local church. He arrived prepared for a crowd, with a co-teacher and a thick stack of handouts.

Instead, four people came. Three were experienced activists. Only one was a newcomer. Joan Wages, a mother of two, had driven five hours from Floyd, Va., to attend her first rally. She had voted for Obama but become disillusioned. Now she hoped to set an example for her children by "making my actions consistent with my beliefs," she said.
No; it really wasn't.

The media barely reported on the war at all - at least as any kind of front page news - during the last half of 2008.

Like I said - you guys have a chip on your shoulder. It's a "persecution complex" thing. It skews your reality.

I agree that the coverage on the war went down dramatically in 2008. I think a large part of it was that things in Iraq were improving.... and that just isn't newsworthy.

Charver is right... if Afghanistan gets worse, the news will pick up on it again.

So the article is about 5 people protesting the war in Iraq?

Because I had to read in THIRTEEN PARAGRAPHS to find the quote you posted.


The article is a "behind the scenes" look at how protesters get organized for a protest. ONE PRE-PROTEST PLANNING MEETING was attended by 5 people. THE PROTEST WAS ATTENDED BY HUNDREDS.

Let's also not discuss how cawacko's point seemed to be how he hadn't seen any stories about protesters since Obama was elected...and this article describes a protest designed to get Obama's attention.

So I'm still waiting for some proof that the press ran stories about "5 people protesting Iraq" from the 2007-08 years mentioned by cawacko.
So the article is about 5 people protesting the war in Iraq?

Because I had to read in THIRTEEN PARAGRAPHS to find the quote you posted.


The article is a "behind the scenes" look at how protesters get organized for a protest. ONE PRE-PROTEST PLANNING MEETING was attended by 5 people. THE PROTEST WAS ATTENDED BY HUNDREDS.

Let's also not discuss how cawacko's point seemed to be how he hadn't seen any stories about protesters since Obama was elected...and this article describes a protest designed to get Obama's attention.

So I'm still waiting for some proof that the press ran stories about "5 people protesting Iraq" from the 2007-08 years mentioned by cawacko.
lol....just can't admit when you've been pwned, can you.....
lol....just can't admit when you've been pwned, can you.....

And you won't admit the article isn't about people protesting the Iraq war, but rather, a behind the scenes look at how protests are organized.

Go ahead and chuckle. People see me asking reasonable questions and you responding with your derisive taunts.

Yuk it up all you like.