So just how will the white christian party grow?

The white demographic decline is largely attributable to its older age structure when compared to other race and ethnic groups. This leads to fewer births and more deaths relative to its population size.

White people who were informed of their diminishing demographic share of the population displayed more racial hostility to perceived external racial groups.

The right-wing has been reported to be most inclined to reference white demographic decline in a political context, with 2022 communication-research outlining how fears of white-related demography are often weaponised :)

Annotation-2019-05-03-140106.png decline is,relative to its population size.

Hispanics is the first answer, the second is that blacks will eventually wise up.
The over 65 demographic will become an increasing share of the U. S. population.

In 2020 there were 56.1 million over 65 making up 17% of the population
By 2060 there will be 94.7 million making up 23% of the population.

And, as Gardner said, Democrats cannot count on the Hispanic vote. Some counties in South Texas along the Mexican border voted for Trump. They do not identify as migrants or Hispanic but white.

As population demographics change so will voting behavior as history has demonstrated (blacks, women, working class, college degree).

So many people seem to think voting patterns are static when that isn't the case. Not to be snide but it's like pick up a history book.