It would make the main criminals face retribution for their evil deeds, as you know.
That's stupid. Why would a criminal getting a gun think OMG, the NRA will be a co-defendant for this? That would be more of an encouragement than liability for them.
What you are doing is what is done now, trying to put gun manufacturers out of business and keeping guns from only honest citizens. You know what Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Columbine, Oregon, San Bernadino, the Navy Yard and Aurora had in common? Only the criminals had guns. All you're doing is driving up body counts ensuring criminals no one will shoot back. And what are you trying to do now? Make criminals even safer.
And here's an idea, what if you address the point in my OP? Kids can get all the pot they want? How are you going to keep guns from criminals? All you have is to punish ... non criminals? Seriously, that's how you're going to keep guns from criminals? I bet that has criminals shaking, you're going to make even more sure they can commit crimes with even lower risk of being shot while they do it.
Criminals love you, man. You are their hero running a safety campaign for them