Do you have a CHIP on your shouldersaying things like
"niggers in the wood pile"
and the like
yet the other few right leaning posters NEVER seem to say a word about that racism
you are the party the racists embrace when you side with racists you are as bad as them get it when nazis cheer your president your the nazi party
what the fuck? what does that gibberish mean
It means you are rayciss, skank.
Since you cheer the DEMOCRAT Party, that makes them the rayciss party, skank.
Confess, skank.
look at them do exactly what I said not one word about the racism displayed by their own side yet attacking me for bringing up their obvious racism. the Repubican party is the racist party
how Jesusy of you. did putin order you to pretend to be religious
does Putin pat you on the head when you suck his balls
why do you say racists things and then want to claim you are not racist why? do you hate your self?
you are a racist and not a christian jesus would not spare the whip on you