so many on the right here are blatent racists

why do you try to pretend you are not a racist?

How am I a rayciss, skank?

Have I ever bragged about spitting in a black man's face, skank?

Y O U have, skank. I have the proof that you did it, skank.

Where is there any proof that I am a rayciss, skank?

Answer, skank.
saying things like

"niggers in the wood pile"

and the like

yet the other few right leaning posters NEVER seem to say a word about that racism

Most right wing posters here tacitly agree with the overt racists.
Pimp and USFREEDUMB are classic examples.
They try to keep clean by never mentioning their covert racist beliefs, but when pressed they can not bring themselves to denounce racism in any way.
Most right wing posters here tacitly agree with the overt racists. Pimp and USFREEDUMB are classic examples.
They try to keep clean by never mentioning their covert racist beliefs, but when pressed they can not bring themselves to denounce racism in any way.

Prove it, Bucketta.

I'll understand if you can't.
Im hetro but being called a homosexual is not an insult to me.

it just a demonstration of your complete hate filled minds dieseased functions
Im hetro but being called a homosexual is not an insult to me. it just a demonstration of your complete hate filled minds dieseased functions

Tell you what, skank.

If I can show one post that proves that I have denounced a rayciss, will you accept a permaban from JPP?

Answer, skank.

the other very few right leaning posters who dnt say shit like this never seem much bothered by this stuff


it makes no sense

Saying that the right is racist should be against the law. It's slanderous and it dumbs down already dumb people who buy the lie. It's like when Bill Clinton told millions of children that blowjobs are not considered a part of sex and that it's okay.
His work educating kids is well-known, isn't it?


Now, that's creepy!
Americans of color cant stand the republican party in VAST numbers.

how does the white people who say black people lie about being treated badly claim to be non racist?
note not one right leaning poster here is willing to saying a word about what the blatent racists on here say
Americans of color cant stand the republican party in VAST numbers.

how does the white people who say black people lie about being treated badly claim to be non racist?

Why do black people lie about being treated badly when what it amounts to all they want is to be handed something for nothing?

The reason blacks vote Democrat instead of Republican is because the Democrats are willing to hand them something they didn't earn and the Republicans want them to earn it themselves. If you had no desire to earn it yourself, why would you vote for anyone but Democrats willing to give it to your for nothing?