Vulgarity, insulting each other, is witness, not only to other members, but everyone who reads these posts the character of posters spewing forth such hatred.
It begs the question why we see so much discourse and strive. Has human nature, our interaction with each other changed? My guess is that discussion boards were originally intended for the exchange of ideas, for bringing people together. Now they seem to have become a breeding ground of hatred and dissemination of falsehoods.
Stormfront is often used as an example of a stereotyping, bigoted, racist battleground filled with haters. I can't speak for them or against them, have never been there. Based on accounts, I wonder why their exchanges are viewed as any different than the vulgarity and hatred and slander we witness here, or any other place that allows it?
We read posts that are filled with profanity and abusive language, bigotry, stereotyping. It's like morning coffee before going to work and being a sjw, after having sufficiently beaten up on the next guy for having a different opinion.
So why do I come here? Perspective. I also want to challenge myself. Can I keep my decorum? Is it possible to see the best in people, regardless? The answer is still pending.