So Much Pride In Himself


Junior Member
Former Dem Governor so proud of himself. I wonder if his children feel the same pride as he does about his manning the gloryholes of the NJ Turnpike.

>Former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey's gay sex life blossomed as an eighth-grader and continued with trysts in seedy Times Square sex shops and at an abandoned synagogue in Washington, D.C., he reveals in his new memoir.
The disgraced pol also admits that as governor, he presided over a corrupt political machine at a time when he had only $7,000 to his name, according to a copy of the book obtained by The Post

He describes one homosexual hookup at a YMCA pool with a close high-school friend, but "the rest were furtive encounters, mostly in seedy bookstores or public parks."

Once, while traveling home for the Christmas holiday in 1978, he was headed for the Port Authority terminal to catch a bus - and found himself surrounded by adult book stores and peep shows in Times Square.

"I visited similar bookstores and shops in New York and New Jersey and continued having sex in the small booths there until I became too famous to risk discovery."

It was in law school in Washington, D.C., where he found the one "real pleasure" he enjoyed as a student: sneaking off to his secret garden - the back lot of an abandoned synagogue

As he got older, his outlets were parkway rest stops, where "I met every conceivable type: bikers, executives, blue-collar workers, old and young, every shade of race."

He had to use his former prosecutor's badge to get out of one tight spot, when a state trooper found him trolling for partners at a New Jersey rest stop.

Professionally, McGreevey writes, his morality was compromised by the need to hand out lucrative appointments to political donors
His morality was compromised??? Not like being married and sucking off strangers in public restrooms?
Or sex with his Security Advisor when his wife was in the hospital having his child...............morality, what morality?

>McGreevey's book, due in bookstores Tuesday, details his inner battles with his homosexuality, his rise in New Jersey politics and his double life as a married father and a closeted gay. He described bedding the man whom he claims blackmailed him while his wife, Dina, was in the hospital after delivering their daughter
I've often said that both parties need business donations and support and why would business ever support a party like the Democrats that promise more taxes and higher regulations?
The Democrats will be WAY more likely to offer special backdoor deals and corrupt patronage in return for support, because they know they have little else to offer.
Rob he's not an honest politician he was very corrupt and his greatest achivement in office was reforming the DMV other than that he was harmful.

I never liked the guy and could care less if he was gay but if that scandal was what was necessary to get rid of him so be it.
I hope he runs again... nice way to slime an honest politician toby.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA, honest politician.
Damn Rob, I always wondered how much you read of posts before making a comment. How the hell did you get honest politician from the above?
He tried to make his resignation about his sexual behavior not on his corruption and it seems to be working. But Dawg is his behavior typical of all homos? Do you support his sexual behavior?

Hey Danold, what the useage of backdoor deals in this case. LOL
Reread this part:
Professionally, McGreevey writes, his morality was compromised by the need to hand out lucrative appointments to political donors

Liberal Democrats need to get corrupt and offer special favors, while Republicans that have a natural business friendly platform of less taxes and less regulation have much less of a need to.
Not that Republicans are perfect or even great, but there's no question more corruption comes from left-wing parties in just about anywhere in the world.
He tried to make his resignation about his sexual behavior not on his corruption and it seems to be working. But Dawg is his behavior typical of all homos? Do you support his sexual behavior?

Hey Danold, what the useage of backdoor deals in this case. LOL
LOL, I swear I wasn't even thinking it.
sure dano... and same could be said for you... you only need to see the word 'democrat' and you automaticlaly think higher taxes and immoral acts...
Expect Congressman Cunningham to be mentioned Dano.
Yep, I'm not some koolaid sipper, there are corrupt Republicans.
I just think if you took 1000 Dems and 1000 Repubs, you would have more corrupt Dems because of what I said above.

I've found that the worst corruption is in those places where there is no viable Conservative or Republican alternative. A lot of businesses have no other choice but to try and bribe the sole Dems running.

For all the things you hear about southern GOP stronghold states like Miss, Alabama, Tennesee, South Carolina, etc...., they are relatively low for corruption. Dem dominated states like Cali, Mass and New Jersey are famous for it.
sure dano... and same could be said for you... you only need to see the word 'democrat' and you automaticlaly think higher taxes and immoral acts...
Not at all, I respond to entire posts breaking them down in pieces, it's too easy to get burnt otherwise.
But think about this guy's children and his book he is out humping. Who does he care about? The people he hurts or his own ego?