So now we invade or bomb Greece ?


Villified User
Blast at U.S. Embassy Called 'Terrorism'

Jan 12, 6:12 AM (ET)


ATHENS, Greece (AP) - The U.S. Embassy in Athens came under fire early Friday from a rocket that exploded inside the modern glass-front building but caused no casualties in an attack police suspect was the work of Greek leftists.

Narrowly missing the embassy emblem, the anti-tank shell pierced the building near the front entrance shortly before 6 a.m., damaging a bathroom on the third room, which houses the ambassador's office, and shattering windows in nearby buildings.

"We're treating it as a very serious attack," U.S. Ambassador Charles Ries said.
Blast at U.S. Embassy Called 'Terrorism'

Jan 12, 6:12 AM (ET)


ATHENS, Greece (AP) - The U.S. Embassy in Athens came under fire early Friday from a rocket that exploded inside the modern glass-front building but caused no casualties in an attack police suspect was the work of Greek leftists.

Narrowly missing the embassy emblem, the anti-tank shell pierced the building near the front entrance shortly before 6 a.m., damaging a bathroom on the third room, which houses the ambassador's office, and shattering windows in nearby buildings.

"We're treating it as a very serious attack," U.S. Ambassador Charles Ries said.

No - Clearly we invade Costa Rica for this. Did you forget Bush is president, we invade some nation that is uninvolved.
Greece was bombed... Hmm... I think we should use that to attack Iran because they must be involved somehow and might have some WMD we can use as a reason... Greece might also have some, they'll be put on warning.
No - Clearly we invade Costa Rica for this. Did you forget Bush is president, we invade some nation that is uninvolved.

alex is right. there is only one solution to this:

Death to Costa Rica.
Blast at U.S. Embassy Called 'Terrorism'

Jan 12, 6:12 AM (ET)


ATHENS, Greece (AP) - The U.S. Embassy in Athens came under fire early Friday from a rocket that exploded inside the modern glass-front building but caused no casualties in an attack police suspect was the work of Greek leftists.

Narrowly missing the embassy emblem, the anti-tank shell pierced the building near the front entrance shortly before 6 a.m., damaging a bathroom on the third room, which houses the ambassador's office, and shattering windows in nearby buildings.

"We're treating it as a very serious attack," U.S. Ambassador Charles Ries said.

It was allegedly a domestic, left-wing greek group.

But, we know Dixie makes no distinction between terrorist groups, and the US should attack any country that harbors any terrorist group.
It was allegedly a domestic, left-wing greek group.

But, we know Dixie makes no distinction between terrorist groups, and the US should attack any country that harbors any terrorist group.

Gotta quote!!?? :D That could be easy ownage.
Gotta quote!!?? :D That could be easy ownage.

Oh, every time maineman or I corner him about Saddam not supporting al qaeda or anti-american global jihaddists, Dixie pulls out of his ass something about how we need to fight ALL terrorists. .
hte news said the weapon used was russian. so i gues we have to invade germany since that' is where they got the technology from after ww2.....
Nah, its evidently some of thos anti-capitalist, anti-WTO greek anarchists.

According to Dixie, the enemy of my enemy is always my friend, to these Greek anarchists who attacked our embassy are CLEARLY friendly with Al-Queda.
And like I said, that means we should invade Iran...

Hell, not just Iran... There are lots of groups that are against us on one thing or another, thus they must be linked up with Al Queda.

WHy not invade France, Germany, Ireland, Angola, Fiji, and New Zeland?