Yawn.Not our fault you can’t comprehend anything beyond a 280 character tweet
Yawn.Not our fault you can’t comprehend anything beyond a 280 character tweet
Sybil. Just call it Sybil. lol!"Our", Anchovies?
YesIs that a fact, Anchovies?
Guess it doesn’t even go that far, seems twelve words will do itYawn.
Guess it doesn’t even go that far, seems twelve words will do it
Telling, not one post came close to addressing the content, lot of the expected personal crapola, typical for MAGA, and a few whataboutisms, but nothing offering rebuttal That was easy, got my popcorn ready
Two reasons mostly. One,...they are at heart PROLIFIC LIARS. They are true believers in the old Vlad Lenin mantra that says....." ANYTHING that helps us accomplish our goal is moral,...ANYTHING that doesn't is not " .why are demmycrats whining about whether Musk or Trump ispresident but didn't give a fuck who was president from 2021 ro 2024?......