So tell more about this Affirmative Action White People Go On & On About?

previously denied ?

dude there has been study after study on it

quess what the studies keep finding ?????

you stupid shits deny every study done and then more come out and you deny them and iover and over

they find miniscule amounts and no vast illegal voting

and then you fucking dupes repeat your fucking lies on no fucking evidence

Bush did a five year long study on it

found fucking nothing

you shits wouldn't even believe that study

I never suggested I don't believe those studies--where did you get such an idea? I simply said people are recognizing it does occur.

I am very familiar with those studies and believe 1) there is relatively little voter fraud. Of the fraud that does exist almost none is in-person fraud that a voter ID would fix. Most voter fraud is mail-in ballot; 2) there is more fraud than the studies find because most use prosecutions and most cases are not prosecuted; 3) Voter IDs do not suppress the vote 3) they have found a large number of (legal) non-citizens registered to vote. All conclusions based on the creditable studies or personal research.

Who are "you stupid shits"? Based on one statement you automatically ty to put everybody into a pro-Trump or anti-Trump. The world is not that simplistic.
I've never doubted the fact that Voter Fraud existed .. just it's frequencies. ;)

Kinda like Russian Involvement and Impact in American Elections ... Right? :)

Very true. The right thinks any voter fraud helps the Democrats and the left thinks Russia won the election for Trump. Both sides are willing to believe all kinds of fraud and shenanigans if it helped the other side.