screwed up Russian and China relationsrefute it
LOL, trump had no relationship with Russia other than as a Pawn, he Ignored the Russian meddling in the 2016 and 2020 Elections, he Ignored the Cyber attacks and hacking in 2016, and Ignored the second far more damaging Cyber Attack in 2020, according to trump Putin can do no wrong, maybe that has something to do with the fact that he owes them a half Billion dollars and they will collect.
China, he screwed that pooch, he made a little fuse, imposed some sanctions which We paid for and said their Dictator was a great guy. He did not part ways, somewhat anyway, with them until the Pandemic hit and he was so inept at dealing with it as a true Leader that he tried blaming his incompetency on them, acting as if they sent it here on purpose. Oh and allowed China to continue to build their manmade fortress islands to control the seaways and build up for the future invasion of Tiawan.
screwed up the border
He did nothing of the sort, the catch and deport them is still the same exact policy trump had. No one invited them here, they came. The only real difference is how we handle the thousands of young children coming here seeking asylum and a better life. He is going to get them a hearing, unlike trump that simply locked them up and forgot about them. What is your answer, throw the kids back into Mexico?
appointed a bunch of useless "equity czars"
making government even more unresponsive ( if that's possible)
I have no idea what you are talking about, clarity there would be good.
baled out the blue states pension funds -rewarding uncontrolled spending by states
Psst, they bailed out Blue and Red States, both were hurting, and you would not have liked the cuts to your police, fire department, EMS, or other local services, but hey now they will survive a little longer.
made a mockery of "transparency" by banning Border Patrol from interviews,
and banned reporters from his Kids In Cages photo ops
The first part I agree with, I understand why but is does not play well, on the second you have to right to talk to minors, or don't you know that.
And it's going to get far worse
What is going to get far worse, so far things seem to be going along just fine being that Biden has only been in office 2 Months.