So what has Biden done

refute it
screwed up Russian and China relations
LOL, trump had no relationship with Russia other than as a Pawn, he Ignored the Russian meddling in the 2016 and 2020 Elections, he Ignored the Cyber attacks and hacking in 2016, and Ignored the second far more damaging Cyber Attack in 2020, according to trump Putin can do no wrong, maybe that has something to do with the fact that he owes them a half Billion dollars and they will collect.
China, he screwed that pooch, he made a little fuse, imposed some sanctions which We paid for and said their Dictator was a great guy. He did not part ways, somewhat anyway, with them until the Pandemic hit and he was so inept at dealing with it as a true Leader that he tried blaming his incompetency on them, acting as if they sent it here on purpose. Oh and allowed China to continue to build their manmade fortress islands to control the seaways and build up for the future invasion of Tiawan.
screwed up the border
He did nothing of the sort, the catch and deport them is still the same exact policy trump had. No one invited them here, they came. The only real difference is how we handle the thousands of young children coming here seeking asylum and a better life. He is going to get them a hearing, unlike trump that simply locked them up and forgot about them. What is your answer, throw the kids back into Mexico?

appointed a bunch of useless "equity czars"
making government even more unresponsive ( if that's possible)

I have no idea what you are talking about, clarity there would be good.

baled out the blue states pension funds -rewarding uncontrolled spending by states

Psst, they bailed out Blue and Red States, both were hurting, and you would not have liked the cuts to your police, fire department, EMS, or other local services, but hey now they will survive a little longer.

made a mockery of "transparency" by banning Border Patrol from interviews,
and banned reporters from his Kids In Cages photo ops

The first part I agree with, I understand why but is does not play well, on the second you have to right to talk to minors, or don't you know that.
And it's going to get far worse
What is going to get far worse, so far things seem to be going along just fine being that Biden has only been in office 2 Months.
screwed up Russian and China relations

screwed up the border

appointed a bunch of useless "equity czars"
making government even more unresponsive ( if that's possible)

baled out the blue states pension funds -rewarding uncontrolled spending by states

made a mockery of "transparency" by banning Border Patrol from interviews,
and banned reporters from his Kids In Cages photo ops

And it's going to get far worse

Had a conversation with a gym buddy today along those lines today. We agreed that it’s needful for the country to ‘feel the pain’ before enough of them start to pay attention to what’s going on.

And the pain is coming. There’s no free lunches. Someone is going to be paying for this at some point. Tragically/fittingly, it’s going to be younger people—the same people who don’t know better than to vote just for a handout from the government.
because you don't seem to find an issue with a 1,400 dollar check costing you 5,600 in the future...........if you really think that's a good deal, i'd like to play high stakes poker with you sometime

Did you return your $1400.00 check?

If it bothers you so much then tear up your stimulus check or send it back when it arrives.
it's not a stimulus check for me. it's the feds returning money they stole from me.

You only paid $1400 in taxes?

oh no no no no...

You posted a bunch of nonsense and offered no proof to corroborate your allegations.

It's not up to me to prove your claims are nonsense, it's up to Y-O-U to P-R-O-V-E the validity of each one.

He ran away after I did as he asked, go figure, maybe it was too much for him to process.
So what has Biden done?

I think Biden has made you Trumptards regret ever knowing of DONALD TRUMP.

If you Trumptards had selected a legitimate leader, a Republican would probably still be shitting in the White House and you Trumptards wouldn't be shitting your pants about losing the election.
So what has Biden done?

I think Biden has made you Trumptards regret ever knowing of DONALD TRUMP.

If you Trumptards had selected a legitimate leader, a Republican would probably still be shitting in the White House and you Trumptards wouldn't be shitting your pants about losing the election.

Triggered lizard

Signed into law EO's dreamed up by the Revolutionary Committees in secret.

Indeed, Biden is running a Politburo who decide the policies and get SloJo to sign them. Here is one of the most egregious coming down the pipeline! I foresee major recession soon enough once the economic crack of the corona stimulus has worked it way through the system.

The social cost of carbon could have ripple effects throughout industry.

President Joe Biden on Friday restored an Obama-era calculation on the economic cost of greenhouse gases, a step that will make it easier for his agencies to approve aggressive actions to confront climate change.

But the administration stopped short, for now, of boosting the cost figure to higher levels that economists and climate scientists say are justified by new research.

The interim figure — $51 for every ton of carbon released into the atmosphere — is well above the $8 cost used under former President Donald Trump, who declined to factor the global impacts of climate pollution into his calculation. It’s on par with a price based on analyses undertaken between 2010 and 2016 under former President Barack Obama, whose administration was first to calculate the figure known as the social cost of carbon.

The price point is temporary. A new Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases is required to issue a final number by January.

“A more complete update that follows the best science takes time. This is why we are quickly restoring the prior estimates as an interim step,” Heather Boushey, a member of the Council of Economic Advisers, wrote in a blog post.

The social cost of carbon is an effort to quantify the economic and societal damage from greenhouse gas emissions in the coming decades. The figure will be baked into the administration’s number-crunching on the costs and benefits of a wide array of regulations.

Friday’s notice, posted on the Office of Management and Budget website, fulfills a promise Biden made on Inauguration Day when he signed an executive order on climate change that called for a recalculation of the social cost of carbon, which the Trump administration had sharply reduced.

The new price per ton is accompanied by discount rates of 2.5 percent, 3 percent and 5 percent, numbers that express the weight of future benefits against immediate ones. A higher discount rate suggests society cares less about long-term consequences than present-day effects. Environmental activists and economists had urged Biden to lower the 3 percent discount rate set by Obama.

Trump had bumped the discount rate up to to 7 percent. When the Obama team modeled its estimates in 2016, a 3 percent discount rate carried a $42 per ton price. A 2.5 percent discount rate pushed the cost to $62 per ton.
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Joe is Really, really struggling....WH called a lid at 1:13 PM yesterday...Why the continuing need for the low profile? Things are bad.....