So what is our President elect doing today?


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Oh, he’s hawking perfume, at $199 dollar a bottle, why waste an opportunity to bilk the faithful, what every MAGA’s wife wants on Christmas morning, Trump perfume

Hard to imagine a Regan or any President elect shelling merchandise on their way to the White House

Welcome to MAGA America

Oh, he’s hawking perfume, at $199 dollar a bottle, why waste an opportunity to bilk the faithful, what every MAGA’s wife wants on Christmas morning, Trump perfume

Hard to imagine a Regan or any President elect shelling merchandise on their way to the White House

Welcome to MAGA America
Poor anchovies,

You missed the entire brilliant comedy of that ad.

Poor anchovies....................


Maybe he wants to buy some and can't afford it.

Poor Anchovies.
Exactly it was pure brilliant comedy. And anchovie and most liberals have a zero appreciation for or even the knowledge of
humor when its delivered the way that Trump does it.
Since Trump has zero sense of humor, it is tough to appreciate. Trump is slow-witted and responds badly. He embarrasses America when he talks.

Oh, he’s hawking perfume, at $199 dollar a bottle, why waste an opportunity to bilk the faithful, what every MAGA’s wife wants on Christmas morning, Trump perfume

Hard to imagine a Regan or any President elect shelling merchandise on their way to the White House

Welcome to MAGA America
What a lowlife scumbag Pedo Don has proved to be. Not that there was any doubt from his pedophile days in the 80s and 90s. LOL

Oh, he’s hawking perfume, at $199 dollar a bottle, why waste an opportunity to bilk the faithful, what every MAGA’s wife wants on Christmas morning, Trump perfume

Hard to imagine a Regan or any President elect shelling merchandise on their way to the White House

Welcome to MAGA America
The shameless grifting continues.
Poor anchovies....................
“Poor,” you kidding, your Messiah is going to be providing comedy for the next four and probably beyond

Have you gotten the misses her Trump perfume yet? Better be ready, she might surprise you with your own Trump sneakers
Exactly it was pure brilliant comedy. And anchovie and most liberals have a zero appreciation for or even the knowledge of
humor when its delivered the way that Trump does it.
Right, labeling an America’s First Lady an enemy to Americans to sell perfume is pure comedy. Imagine the “comedy” the left could create employing pictures of Melanie

Right, labeling an America’s First Lady an enemy to Americans to sell perfume is pure comedy. Imagine the “comedy” the left could create employing pictures of Melanie

Poor anchovies,
You have lost everything including your sense of humor.