So Who Gives a Fuck About Nike?

Yeah, folks wanted to make it about players not having a right to protest on the job. A major corporation spoke. And the power of the state should still not murder unarmed citizens in the streets. Used to be a conservative thing, the state having too much power.

So now you liberals are all for corporations? When did this occur?
Yep, in leftist dumbfuck land where you wallow, anyone who disagrees with your Fascistic nonsense is the enemy. STFU, seriously. You don't have to prove what a low IQ dumbfuck you are every damned day. Take a break.

How many times has that repugnant GIFtard, used that same damn thing? How stupid can Truth Teen get? I've literally had better conversations with special needs people. Why do some people devolve themselves so?

STFU you whiny dumbass hypocrite; when you start bitching about your liberal pals maybe I will take stock in some of your stupid pathetic whines.
Yeah, folks wanted to make it about players not having a right to protest on the job.

WRONG; it is about RESPECTING the flag and the fans you brain dead dumbass.

A major corporation spoke.

...and proceeded to lose shareholder value.

And the power of the state should still not murder unarmed citizens in the streets.

This is a FALSE NARRATIVE. If dumbfucks didn't run from the police, ignore their instructions or point things at the police, they wouldn't get shot you willful retard.

Watch the show REAL Cops a few times; the restraint required to do a job that deals with retards and losers all day is amazing.

Used to be a conservative thing, the state having too much power.

Political power is a leftist Fascist thing you ignorant fuck.
I cared about totally....and then I saw that Vanilla Ice was trapped on a quarantined airplane with a mystery illness aboard sickening passengers and the bottom just fell completely out of my universe.