Social Security Checks Could Stop Going Out by April, Ex-Head Warns

Yeah, cradle to grave is Social Security. It starts paying at 62. SS also pays for people unable to work. Pays to help kids whose father died in an accident, like Paul Ryans did. Get in an accident and be unable to work and SS will save you.
Babies aren't 62 year old, Sybil. A lot of people don't collect at 62.
Blatant lie (denial).
The former head of the Social Security Administration warns that proposed cuts to the agency could lead the entire system to “collapse,” disrupting benefits payments to millions of Americans.

“Ultimately, you’re going to see the system collapse, and there will be an interruption of benefits,” Martin O’Malley, former Social Security commissioner under the Biden administration, told CNBC. “I think that will happen within the next 30 to 90 days.”

More lie filled fear mongering. That's all you brainless lefty's have isn't it?
The former head of the Social Security Administration warns that proposed cuts to the agency could lead the entire system to “collapse,” disrupting benefits payments to millions of Americans.

“Ultimately, you’re going to see the system collapse, and there will be an interruption of benefits,” Martin O’Malley, former Social Security commissioner under the Biden administration, told CNBC. “I think that will happen within the next 30 to 90 days.”

I got my check today. It'll be interesting to see if the next one arrives and, if not, how most Americans will react.
Go on record... should the US end Social Security? Tell us what you think before your God tells you what to say!!!!!!!!
Go on record... should the US end Social Security? Tell us what you think before your God tells you what to say!!!!!!!!
No one is ending Social Security, Pretender.

Now, as to the idea of ending it:

China did just that, ending their retirement program. The result was a reduction of money velocity to almost nil, as people desperately tried to save up for their retirement. It's not so much that China ended it, but the WAY they ended it...a sudden cutoff.

There was a time in this country BEFORE Social Security and things were just fine. The poor and those unable to work were supported by charities and churches. In some cases, Unions also had 'friendly societies' to cover members when thrown out of work for some period of time, and it also functioned as health insurance.

Charity is a good thing. It is an act of love for your fellow man.

Forcing people to pay for the welfare of another is a different thing entirely. It is communism, pure and simple. The Social Security system is communism, and was NEVER AUTHORIZED BY ANY CONSTITUTION. It is also unconstitutional.

But now people are hooked on it.

To end it, it should wind down. Those currently collecting Social Security should continue to get it. Dead people should be purged from the system since that is nothing but fraud. Younger workers should be freed from most of the Social Security taxes, with graduations (and lower payments) through mid and older workers to higher taxes.

As new people retire and collect the payments, they will be less than those that have already retired, since they pay less in taxes.
As people age and enter the system, and those currently collecting die off, the system can be wound down to nothing...ending Social Security and the communism that it is.

I counsel going back to charity. Communism is not charity. This communism was started by a Democrat (FDR). Communism is not sustainable. Charity is.

This post is now part of JPP record. You don't have to 'put it on record'. It's already there.
The former head of the Social Security Administration warns that proposed cuts to the agency could lead the entire system to “collapse,” disrupting benefits payments to millions of Americans.

“Ultimately, you’re going to see the system collapse, and there will be an interruption of benefits,” Martin O’Malley, former Social Security commissioner under the Biden administration, told CNBC. “I think that will happen within the next 30 to 90 days.”

The former head of the social security of administration says.....LMFAO. you're a retard.