Norway is More "Socialist" than either Venezuela or communist China.
Norwegian workers are heavily protected, with 70 percent of workers covered by union contracts, and over a third directly employed by the government. The Norwegian state operates a gigantic sovereign wealth fund, and its financial assets total 331 percent of its GDP (as compared to an American figure of 25 percent).
Meanwhile, its state-owned enterprises are worth 87 percent of GDP.
Of all the domestic wealth in Norway, the government owns 59 percent, and fully three-quarters of the non-home wealth (as most Norwegians own their home).
Reliable statistics on the Venezuelan economy are hard to come by, but Norway is unquestionably more socialist than Venezuela according to the above definition.
Indeed, it is considerably more socialist than supposedly-communist China, where only 31 percent of national wealth is owned by the state.
Norway is not some destitute hellscape. Indeed, not only are Norwegian stores well-stocked with toilet paper, it is actually considerably more wealthy than the U.S., with a GDP of over $70,000 per person. Even when you correct for the moderately large oil sector (which accounts for a bit less than a quarter of its exports), it still has a cutting-edge, ultra-productive economy — far from some petro-state living off oil rents like Dubai.
Socially, it routinely ranks as the happiest (2017) or second-happiest (2018) country in the world. The rest of the Nordics are also usually among the top five as well — even more remarkable when you factor in the phenomenon of seasonal affective disorder and the extreme northerly position of the Scandinavian peninsula.
On a snapshot of other quality-of-life measures, Norway boasts:
A life expectancy of 81.7 years.
An infant mortality rate of two per 1,000 live births.
A murder rate of 0.51 per 100,000.
An incarceration rate of 74 per 100,000.
Us unfettered cspitalism ? Someone is on crack.
Get ready, if they respond, you are going to get a lot of Venezuela in the next few exchanges
No nation is one or the other, every country has a mixed economy, the US has been part socialistic since the 19th Century, the whole right wing conspiracy regarding socialism is absurd
The key question, always and everywhere, is to what degree the capitalists have weakened or destroyed the power of the trades unions. Socialism is control by working people in the interests of the whole human race, capitalism is a system of exploitation that will finish us all off quite soon. Meanwhile it is undoubtedly better to have some bits of the economy under some degree of democratic control for some of the time.
The key question, always and everywhere, is to what degree the capitalists have weakened or destroyed the power of the trades unions. Socialism is control by working people in the interests of the whole human race, capitalism is a system of exploitation that will finish us all off quite soon. Meanwhile it is undoubtedly better to have some bits of the economy under some degree of democratic control for some of the time.
Hello Penderyn,
There is a different model for a sort of democratic capitalism. A worker-owned cooperative is sort of like if a union bought a company and then the workers actually jointly own the company. Then the workers elect the people who are running the company and making the decisions which affect the workers.
Sort of a socialistic capitalism.
Where has socialism worked best?
Where has socialism been universally applied, even Cuba and China always had elements of capitalism
You keep missing the point, no nation, no nation’s economic system, is based solely on one or the other, they are all mixed economies, to portray it as a dichotomy, a choice between one or the other, is erroneous
It's great right? The current tax rate on personal income in Norway is a flat tax of 38.2%. EVERYBODY pays that, unlike here in America where half the citizens don't pay federal income tax. You ready to tell single mommy she must of 38.2 % of her income just like donnie trump? Not good for the base is it?
Hello Penderyn,
There is a different model for a sort of democratic capitalism. A worker-owned cooperative is sort of like if a union bought a company and then the workers actually jointly own the company. Then the workers elect the people who are running the company and making the decisions which affect the workers.
Sort of a socialistic capitalism.
I wonder why they "always had elements of capitalism"?