Socialism Vs Capitalism

That's correct asshole but as has already been pointed out to you unlike America where half the people don't pay federal income tax EVERYONE pays taxes on Norway and every good and service is taxes as well. You Dumbass cum gobbler.

So let's be like socialist Norway. Lower income people there have access to high quality universal healthcare, susidized child daycare, mandatory paid naternity leave and paid sick leave, mandatory paid vacation. You get all that awesome socialist stuff by paying taxes
That's correct asshole but as has already been pointed out to you unlike America where half the people don't pay federal income tax EVERYONE pays taxes on Norway and every good and service is taxes as well. You Dumbass cum gobbler.

So let's be like socialist Norway. Lower income people there have access to high quality universal healthcare, susidized child daycare, mandatory paid naternity leave and paid sick leave, mandatory paid vacation. You get all that awesome socialist stuff by paying taxes

Just so we are clear you're ok with EVERY American paying taxes and EVERY American paying a consumption tax? I bet you never answer that question you fucking pussy.
Answer the question you cunt!!

Yep, as long as everyone benefits from the socialism of a Scandinavian welfare state

So let's be like socialist Norway. Lower income people there have access to high quality universal healthcare, susidized child daycare, mandatory paid maternity leave and paid sick leave, mandatory paid vacation. You get all that awesome socialist stuff by paying taxes

Yep, as long as everyone benefits from the socialism of a Scandinavian welfare state


Then why don't you just tax EVERYBODY now in this system and initiate a consumption tax? We don't need to be Norway to do that. You dems should be screaming those message from the mountain tops..."we propose to tax EVERYBODY and start a consumption tax". When will the lying racist groping imbecile biden pitch that as a plank on the dem platform? The fact is it will NEVER happen as that would destroy your class warfare narrative
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Then why don't you just tax EVERYBODY now,in this system and initiate a consumption tax? We don't need to be Norway to do that.

I accept your tacit admission that a Scandinavian liberal democratic welfare state is one of human history's most successful and egalitarian socio-economic systems.
Norway is an outlier. It has a very unique combination of resources (like North Sea oil it exports, and having abundant hydroelectric power) and a small enough population base that it can make Socialism work. The Gulf States like Bahrain, the UAE, etc., are in a similar situation. There are some other examples as well.

That doesn't translate into these unique circumstances making a general rule. This makes the argument that Socialism works for Norway, therefore Socialism will work for the US (or anywhere else) nothing but a fallacy of division. That is it argues that what's true for one country can be, or is, true for all countries.
Basic capitalism, caring only for money, money, money, develops the world very fast, but at desperate cost, because, left to itself, it is as stupid as Trump, producing general poverty to go with individual wealth, constant slumps, colonial and world wars, and. ultimately the destruction of the human world, because it can't think or behave reasonably. As a result, pretty well everywhere it exists, it has been more and more modified by democratic forces, producing, for instance, free education and - in more civilized countries - free health care. the difficulty is, always, that there's a constant tension between such laudable developments and continued private greed, which, as soon as people begin to feel passably comfortable, begin to gnaw away at the foundations of decency to make a slightly larger profit. Social Democratic parties are always at the mercy of these developments, because the rich offer their careerist politicians electoral help if they will sell out those who put them there, with the result that a minority of those will take up some distortion of the ideas of Karl Marx, who pointed out, correctly, that all history is a history of class struggles. Until the species finally get shot of capitalism there is a constant danger that it will destroy us. I think most people understand this, despite all the deliberate muddling of their brains, but find it difficult to know what action to take, a problem which 'common sense' always persuades us to put off until we are dead.
I accept your tacit admission that a Scandinavian liberal democratic welfare state is one of human history's most successful and egalitarian socio-economic systems.

You can't accept what didn't happen but your dumbass still thinks it did.

I accept your tacit admission, since you support a system like Norway has, that you are unable to do things on your own.
Basic capitalism, caring only for money, money, money, develops the world very fast, but at desperate cost, because, left to itself, it is as stupid as Trump, producing general poverty to go with individual wealth, constant slumps, colonial and world wars, and. ultimately the destruction of the human world, because it can't think or behave reasonably. As a result, pretty well everywhere it exists, it has been more and more modified by democratic forces, producing, for instance, free education and - in more civilized countries - free health care. the difficulty is, always, that there's a constant tension between such laudable developments and continued private greed, which, as soon as people begin to feel passably comfortable, begin to gnaw away at the foundations of decency to make a slightly larger profit. Social Democratic parties are always at the mercy of these developments, because the rich offer their careerist politicians electoral help if they will sell out those who put them there, with the result that a minority of those will take up some distortion of the ideas of Karl Marx, who pointed out, correctly, that all history is a history of class struggles. Until the species finally get shot of capitalism there is a constant danger that it will destroy us. I think most people understand this, despite all the deliberate muddling of their brains, but find it difficult to know what action to take, a problem which 'common sense' always persuades us to put off until we are dead.

If you're willing to work hard, why shouldn't you benefit from a system that rewards hard work and lets those unwilling to do so do without?

Why do you believe that someone unwilling to do for him/herself should get anything?
If you're willing to work hard, why shouldn't you benefit from a system that rewards hard work and lets those unwilling to do so do without?

Why do you believe that someone unwilling to do for him/herself should get anything?

Because it hurts their self esteem to see you be successful due to your hard work. The implication is then that if they aren't successful it's because they're lazy. That just might an the case though with these fucking whiners.
Because it hurts their self esteem to see you be successful due to your hard work. The implication is then that if they aren't successful it's because they're lazy. That just might an the case though with these fucking whiners.

Those that support a system like socialism do so because they benefit from someone else's hard work. If they benefited from their own, they wouldn't support it. If they truly cared for others as much as they claimed, they could do for those they feel are left out by funding things with their own money.
Norway is an outlier. It has a very unique combination of resources (like North Sea oil it exports, and having abundant hydroelectric power) and a small enough population base that it can make Socialism work. The Gulf States like Bahrain, the UAE, etc., are in a similar situation. There are some other examples as well.

That doesn't translate into these unique circumstances making a general rule. This makes the argument that Socialism works for Norway, therefore Socialism will work for the US (or anywhere else) nothing but a fallacy of division. That is it argues that what's true for one country can be, or is, true for all countries.

They have what they have because EVERYBODY pays income taxes unlike here in the US where half the people don't pay any federal income tax. They also have a value added tax AKA consumption tax where any good or service you buy gets taxed. Again EVERYONE pays. And have you noticed every time these leftist pussies are asked if they are ready to have their base pay taxes as well a consumption tax they ghost the conversation? These fuckers use the tax system to punish their enemies and pay their supporters. The LAST thing they want is the Norway system because the base they have spent years grooming will want to actually have to pay taxes.
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Those that support a system like socialism do so because they benefit from someone else's hard work. If they benefited from their own, they wouldn't support it. If they truly cared for others as much as they claimed, they could do for those they feel are left out by funding things with their own money.

Leftists have NEVER given a shit about people. Hell, Charles Manson cares more about people than the average leftist.
Leftists have NEVER given a shit about people. Hell, Charles Manson cares more about people than the average leftist.

If they cared as much as they claimed, all the problems they think the government should fund would be funded by their personal money. Lefties care so much for others they're willing to spend someone else's money.
They have what they have because EVERYBODY pays income taxes unlike here in the US where half the people don't pay any federal income tax. They also have a value added tax AKA consumption tax where any good or service you buy gets taxed. Again EVERYONE pays. And have you noticed every time these leftist pussies are asked if they are ready to have their base pay taxes as well a consumption tax they ghost the conversation? These fuckers use the tax system to punish their enemies and pay their supporters. The LAST thing they want is the Norway system because the base they have spent years grooming will want to actually have to pay taxes.

The problem in the US is how the government is set up. In Norway the nation's government is the government. They act more like a US state (given Norway is the size of Montana and has the population of Kansas). These things are possible there.
The US federal government is limited to tariffs, duties, and income tax as funding sources. To do something else would require a constitutional amendment. Good luck with that...
The US does have "consumption taxes" only these are imposed at varying levels by states, not the federal government. States also (mostly) tax property.

One way states could generate far more wealth, at least in the West, is if the federal government sold off most of their land holdings to the private sector. This would allow states to begin generating property taxes on that land, something they can't do right now. Nevada for example is about 90% federal land. Selling off even 50% of that would allow Nevada to generate massive new property taxes--even at lower overall rates--and would allow owners to actually start doing something with that land beyond it laying mostly fallow and unused.
Of course, for the Left that is absolute heresy among their environmental nutter front so it's not likely to happen...
The problem in the US is how the government is set up. In Norway the nation's government is the government. They act more like a US state (given Norway is the size of Montana and has the population of Kansas). These things are possible there.
The US federal government is limited to tariffs, duties, and income tax as funding sources. To do something else would require a constitutional amendment. Good luck with that...
The US does have "consumption taxes" only these are imposed at varying levels by states, not the federal government. States also (mostly) tax property.

One way states could generate far more wealth, at least in the West, is if the federal government sold off most of their land holdings to the private sector. This would allow states to begin generating property taxes on that land, something they can't do right now. Nevada for example is about 90% federal land. Selling off even 50% of that would allow Nevada to generate massive new property taxes--even at lower overall rates--and would allow owners to actually start doing something with that land beyond it laying mostly fallow and unused.
Of course, for the Left that is absolute heresy among their environmental nutter front so it's not likely to happen...

That's all correct but what the leftist want will have to come through the federal govt. The leftists cant afford to tell their base who don't pay fed income tax that they now ha be to and a fed consumption tax as well. They bail on the topic every time this brought up