Which means, of course, that all the conservative arguments that 'socialism does not work in Venezuela so it won't work here,' are also out.
Wrong Buck-O, you're a moron.
Socialism simply cannot work. It denies economics. This is why all implementations of Marxism always fail. They simply cannot work. The fact that you do not understand this is quite the testament that economics is not your strong suit and makes any rational person what the hell makes you think you belong in any adult discussion on the matter.
Your economics incompetence precludes you from understanding why Norway is not socialism. You just don't know when to hang it up.
Now let's talk about universal healthcare. Bottom line is it is going to cost everybody who has lots of money MORE to make sure everyone who has no money is provided with good healthcare.
Why do you think it is even possible to provide all people with good healthcare? Ah yes, your incompetence in economics. What was I thinking?
The price tag for universal healthcare in the US is several times the US annual budget. No country provides universal healthcare. They just exact heavy taxes to make people get on LOOOOOOONG waiting lists for routine procedures and simply not provide the expensive procedures, forcing citizens to pay double, i.e. once in high taxes for the healthcare not provided and once to private healthcare to actually get the treatment.
That's the big objection from those with money. They don't want to pay for poor people to receive care.
It's everybody's big objection. When you go to a restaurant, do you want to be forced by the government to pay for forty other people's meals as well? People work to earn money so that they can decide how to spend it. Nobody likes the government confiscating and redistributing their wealth.
When you pay your taxes, why don't you just add $20,000 as a gift to the government? Well?
You are a fucking moron. MO-RON. Now I know why you absolutely NEED to control all conversations because you can't say anything that doesn't desperately need to be mocked. Not only are you a total idiot, you are a judgemental asshole. What a waste of bandwidth.
They are only thinking of themselves. IGMTHWY I got mine, ... ... ... (nuff said)
You are a total loser who has no sense of personal responsibility. You're a mooch. You are a cancer on society.
They think being chintzy makes America great.
Freedom makes America great, not having some tyrannical government that punishes the successful for adding value to society by confiscating what they have earned and redistributing it to shit like you as a reward for not adding any value to society.
... and you whine like a baby.
If we want to be great, we will make sure no child is left behind and no human is left behind.
We already are great, because we give every person many opportunities to be successful. Unfortunately, there are always some lazy, whining losers who simply refuse to add valude to society and thus don't become successful. They in turn blame everyone else but themselves and blame the successful for "rubbing their success in their faces" so they demand the government PUNISH them for having the audacity to be successful and to be happy in public by confiscating the wealth of the successful and giving to them so they don't ever have to lower themselves to earning any money by adding value to society.
We have the capacity to care for everyone and that is what we need to do if we want to be a great country.
No, we don't have the capacity to care for everyone for free and to sustain it. It's way too expensive. Learn economics.
For those who are super-rich and don't want to take care of others? Shame on them. How disgraceful.
For losers like you who can only bitch and whine and complain about others for your own fuck-ups and missed opportunities, shame on you. How disgraceful.
The royal British family would never take that position.
I'm glad to see that you worship nobility. Part of the reason the US is as great as it is is that we outlaw nobility.
Wealth distribution in the USA is PATHETIC!
Wealth is not distributed, moron, it is earned. Just for laughs, who do you think the national wealth distributor is? It's like you don't fucking know anything.
The richest have so much more than the average person it is ridiculous.
There's a very good reason that those who add the most value to society have so much more reward for doing so than those who add so much less value to society.
Start adding value to society and watch how your financial reward increases. Why am I the first person to tell you this? Did your parents not love you? Did they never pull you aside and tell you about your responsibilities to the world in which you live? Did they not instill any sense of personal responsibility within you.
In all your posts you dron on and on and on about how others should have their wealth confiscated and given to you and not once have you ever mentioned what you should be doing to improve your own situation. ... and what to you do the moment someone suggests that you should make an effort to be of some value to society? You instantly put them on "Ignore" before finishing the sentence.
Did I mention that you are a loser? I'm sorry ... a LOSER?
It is embarrassing. Especially when we know that some of the more disgraceful aspects of capitalism are responsible. The Disgraceful Aspects Of Capitalism:
Just for laughs, what do you think those are? Aaaah, you don't know anything about capitalism so you are simply hoping no one calls you on the bullshit you invent as you go.
1. Exploits The Unsuspecting. (Take advantage of the ignorant to rip them off, basically.)
Sorry, that also falls under personal responsibility. Caveot emptor, buyer beware. It also requires discipline to not max out credit cards just because you have them.
2. Favors The Already Rich.
Nope. It works the same for all. Learn economics.
3.[/B] Shuts Out Start-ups.
1. You are talking about "barriers to entry" and those occur with government regulation interfering in the free market. You and your Marxism are the ones advocating for barriers to entry while "unfettered capitalists" oppose all such, hence the "unfettered" part.
You have to admit that its pretty hilarious that you went off on a rant about a topic of which you know nothing and ended up insulting yourself. Too funny!
Way too funny! Back-to-back self-insults. You are the one pleading for a tyrannical government. "Unfettered capitalist" want government staying out of all markets.
You are on one hilarious roll! Keep it up.
5. Negatively Affects Politics.
Yep! Three in a row. The more government is allowed into the economy, the more people play to the government to steer it into their favor. Get the government out of the economy and it will evaporate from politics.
Nope. The US is the most charitable country on the planet. Period. Of course Americans are less charitable when the government seizes their cash and redistributes it to greedy, lazy, miserbale, social cancers like you. The needy suffer when the government slashes the people's ability to be charitable.
That's government again. Have you seen California's tent cities? Skid row? Thank a Democrat the next time you see one.
8. No Concern For The Environment.
Wrong. Rich people value the environment, cherish it and maintain it in pristine fashion. The poor, on the other hand, trash it. Have you ever been to Haiti? Afghanistan is an absolutely beautiful country ... wherever there aren't any people.
9. Produces Global Warming.
Only to the brainwashed scientifically illiterate morons who gullibly fall for that WACKY religion of HATRED and intolerance. The reason the Church of Global Warming targets the stupid, the scientifically illiterate and the gullible is that educated people who paid attention in science class don't fall for the bogus violations of physics on which the Global Warming faith is based. In other words, this is only a concern in your mind ... a concern for scientifically illiterate morons like you.
Nope. The US has lifted more people out of poverty than any other country. That's why so many people come to the US every year. In fact, the "poverty line" in the US is solid middle class in many countries. More than half the world would gladly trade places with an American at the "poverty line."
You are totally clueless.
We simply need to be wise about how we harness this great economic tool. We need a powerful government to properly regulate capitalism to minimize the downsides, and institute socialism where socialism would serve us better. Healthcare is a prime example.
You want a tyrannical government that will create Venezuela here in the US. No thanks.
Regulation. Oh oh. There's a loaded term.
Yep. If you understood economics better you might realize why.
OK, the way to deal with regulation is to understand that it is not a simple thing.
Nope. The way to understand regulation is that it screws with the price realization of the supply/demand curve. That is never good. In fact, it
causes all the problems you list above.
[ G . . . O . . . _ . . . T . . . O . . . _ . . . S . . . C . . . H . . . O . . . O . . . L ]