Hmm Schools are govt owned and administrated.
How about the BLM ? they lease out rights for timber, oil , mining and grazing ?
And the highway system ?
So I guess all thouse things I have read about our schools producing substandard students is garbage ?
I hope to God, that BLM is leasing land to private individuals, rather than giving it to them for free.
BLM lands are publically owned. They're owned by the citizens of the united states, who bought, paid for, and maintained them with our tax dollars.
Taxpayers are entitled to get a return on those lands, by leasing them rather than giving them away for free to private individuals.
Oh no. That's a common misconception. Most land was, yes, and all industrial infrastructure, but not "everything" in any real sense.Everything in the former USSR was supposedly publicly owned as well.
I stand corrected, but also stand by my statement about govt owned land , highways, schools, etc in The USA. The local school system just recently sold some property to a private individual and they did not pay me one cent, Imagine that!Oh no. That's a common misconception. Most land was, yes, and all industrial infrastructure, but not "everything" in any real sense.
I hope to God, that BLM is leasing land to private individuals, rather than giving it to them for free.
BLM lands are publically owned. They're owned by the citizens of the united states, who bought, paid for, and maintained them with our tax dollars.
Taxpayers are entitled to get a return on those lands, by leasing them rather than giving them away for free to private individuals.