Solar energy question for libtards

Think about this one for a second...

[1] Fossil fuels are bad. We need to switch to renewable energy such as wind and solar. Solar energy is so great and is going to save the planet. Solar Solar solar!!!!!

[2] Global Warming is going to kill us in ten years if we do nothing about it. We need to do something about it. We should release chalk into the atmosphere to block the sun. We need to block the sun somehow in order to stop global warming.

Question for all of the libtards out there: How is solar energy going to work if we are blocking sunlight?

Sometimes questions are too stupid to deserve an answer. This is one.
Bill Gates didn't write DOS. All he did was buy the rights to it and then turn around and sell it to IBM for their 8086 PC. Bill Gates is a great salesman, but he's a mediocre software engineer... ,(Doublespace), multiple ... 4 more rows

I thought that he was employed for an early PC maker and wrote the simple software to run it. When his boss sold the company to IBM the deal was for the machine only, and Gates asked his boss for the rights to the DOS and he just gave it to him.
I thought that he was employed for an early PC maker and wrote the simple software to run it. When his boss sold the company to IBM the deal was for the machine only, and Gates asked his boss for the rights to the DOS and he just gave it to him.

Gates already was running Microsoft from his parent's garage. He was selling stuff to Jobs at Apple and knew some of the engineers at IBM. When IBM went looking for an open source code operating system Microsoft's DOS was like their second choice. All Gates had to do was buy the rights and clean it up a little. Original DOS was just a few thousand lines of code so a couple of guys in a garage at a house could easily manage that in say a week or two at most.

Gates really didn't have a clue at the time what was coming next with DOS.