Solemn and prayerful, YEAH RIGHT!!!!!

Solemn and prayerful, that’s what Nancy Pelosi claimed that impeaching Trump is, and she and her constitutionally loyal Democrat sweethearts would treat the matter thus. The same truth-less losers who have been trying to frame Trump for a non-crime and impeach him from the day Hillary got buried by Trump’s electoral college numbers, are the same lying losers who now, (all of a sudden), are solemn, dignified, thoughtful, somber and “PRAYERFUL.” They’re Just as sad as a funeral about having to conduct an attempt to overturn a democratic duly elected will of the people of the United States to choose their President Donald J. Trump.

Then the scum exhibit the truth right before the United States public TV audience with a gang of loyal Nancy Pelosi partners in crime. With another Kabuki theater obnoxious and outrageous ceremony designed for the hyper exuberance smiling and giggling faces of her lynch mob following Democrat political crooks. Nan came all equipped with her order of “Pelosi Pens” to distribute to her mob after signing the non-crime accusation articles of impeachment charging our fantastic President. A sickening display of pompous and self-aggrandizing puke.

Their articles don’t even charge the President with a crime, let alone a “HIGH” crime or misdemeanor. They charge Trump with making them, (the Democrats) rabid mad junkyard dogs infested with Trump hatred, by some factitious abuse of power. and claiming executive privilege that every President including George Washington has claimed.

“The President, Vise President and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, TREASON, BRIBERY, or other high CRIMES and or MISDEMEANORS.” (Article Two, Section 4, United States Constitution)

Apparently friend in order to impeach a President CONSTITUTIONALLY you must do it by producing a HIGH CRIME or MISDEMEANORS!


Obviously, you are massively ignorant on the meaning of the term.

Fucking moron.
Investigating the Biden's corruption is necessary FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE NATION! There are idiots out there that might vote for Quid-Pro-Quo-Joe and that would be a national disaster! When did running for President make a candidate for the Presidency immune to being investigated for corruption? Anyhow, contrary to the lying rhetoric of Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Democrat fake news CNN, MSNBC, the released transcript of the President's phone call proves he never said "do ME a favor," it says, "do US a favor, i.e. "OUR NATION," by investigating the corrupt Biden scam.

Rubbish. Do you really believe this bilge, or do they pay you? Absolutely standard Nazi stuff - all accusation, no evidence whatever.
The proof of guilt in America rest with the prosecution! Your House had every opportunity to call any and all witnesses they believed they needed. They refused to take their case to the courts for witnesses and documents and challenge Trump's executive privilege. What were they scared of?

Only when the accused can't prevent the evidence from being heard, obviously. Don't you understand that this is not a normal legal case because the accused can go round interfering with the law when he should be in jail. As you know, impeachment exists because scoundrels like Trumpf defy law entirely and can't be charge while they are in power. Heil Robo and Death to Truth!
What evidence? The testimony of the witnesses that the House Democrats refused to get? Shame on the House Democrats! Why should the Senate be FORCED by the scumbag House to do their job for them?

If you have any evidence, give it, and stop your Fuhrer from repressing truth, there's a good Nazi!
Don't you understand that this is not a normal legal case because the accused can go round interfering with the law when he should be in jail.

CNN, MSNBC lying talking points!

There are no crimes reveled as committed by Donald J. Trump. Even the rabid junkyard dog Democrat’s articles of impeachment present ZERO crimes.

As you know, impeachment exists because scoundrels like Trumpf defy law entirely and can't be charge while they are in power. Heil Robo and Death to Truth!

“Defy the law?” Please present the law/laws that Trump has defied! You’re accusations, like your MSNBC, CNN propaganda machine, are many and your evidence is non-exsting! You got SQUAT!
CNN, MSNBC lying talking points!

There are no crimes reveled as committed by Donald J. Trump. Even the rabid junkyard dog Democrat’s articles of impeachment present ZERO crimes.

“Defy the law?” Please present the law/laws that Trump has defied! You’re accusations, like your MSNBC, CNN propaganda machine, are many and your evidence is non-exsting! You got SQUAT!

The law that prevents public figures from committing treason.
Come off it! Bugger wants to rule the world, as you and everyone else well know. He wants to starve us all into submission.

Just keep watching the absurd rabid mad junkyard dog FAKE NEWS, CNN & MSNBC.Your partisan hackery is only exceeded by your naive brainwashed imagination. You and your fellow leftist neo-commie nutcases have ZERO evidence for any of that!
Just keep watching the absurd rabid mad junkyard dog FAKE NEWS, CNN & MSNBC.Your partisan hackery is only exceeded by your naive brainwashed imagination. You and your fellow leftist neo-commie nutcases have ZERO evidence for any of that!

If you make up the world the way you do, you'll fall in a cess=pool, kid. Smelly old trumpf is just training.