One of my employees had an idea ...
What would Trump and his supporters say if ........................
During the 1 Minute National Anthem ...
1 - All the players STAND and SALUTE The Flag throughout the Anthem
2 - Then directly after the end of The National Anthem ... anyone who wanted, drop to their Knees for 1 Minute
A) The Flag and Those who Served are shown respect.
B) and Respect to those who Rights where not respected.
Ok ... who's going to Cry?
What would Trump and his supporters say if ........................
During the 1 Minute National Anthem ...
1 - All the players STAND and SALUTE The Flag throughout the Anthem
2 - Then directly after the end of The National Anthem ... anyone who wanted, drop to their Knees for 1 Minute
A) The Flag and Those who Served are shown respect.
B) and Respect to those who Rights where not respected.
Ok ... who's going to Cry?