Some alright new stuff, for fags that demand to only listen to new stuff (grind)

while you wait for others is fukig awesome. good choice wateramrk

here is the official video though so you don't have to see retard annontations:

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Grizzly bear is a hard band to get into, you have to be in the right mood for it.... it's like a quieter radiohead with no laptops
You know, it's kind of funny that I got you into McComb. I didn't even finish that first song I posted to you yet, and you've listened to his album.
im seeing pixies live next month when they come to boston yurt. it's going to fucking own

my favorite is wave of mutilation

i mentioned morrissey and the cure because they are like the grizzlies or whatever they are, but IMO, more alternative and deep
so you haven't listened to morrissey or the cure....

the grizzlies have nothing on them....mere copycats without the richness

no wonder you need a face rub....
im face palming cause I know you probably haven't even listened to the song listed in this thread let alone anything else by a band that you can't even recall the full name of before offering criticism.