Some alright new stuff, for fags that demand to only listen to new stuff (grind)

and for the record grizzly bear is not my favorite band But I do think they are very good. I'm not going to turn this into a grizzly bear vs. the world fight. If someone doesn't enjoy them that's fine, there is music for everyone.
im face palming cause I know you probably haven't even listened to the song listed in this thread let alone anything else by a band that you can't even recall the full name of before offering criticism.

i did, i listened to the first minute....

i thought your facepalm was you judging the music i presented, i was only kidding intention of turning this into a music war, that is war no one ever wins
im face palming cause I know you probably haven't even listened to the song listed in this thread let alone anything else by a band that you can't even recall the full name of before offering criticism.

I listened....I experienced angst.....I wondered if it's too late to shove this generation back into the womb till they're finished.....something is apparently still missing.....
I listened....I experienced angst.....I wondered if it's too late to shove this generation back into the womb till they're finished.....something is apparently still missing.....

yeah.....and your generation didn't tell your parents that swing music wasn't the awesome and that they were missing something....
yeah.....and your generation didn't tell your parents that swing music wasn't the awesome and that they were missing something....

actually my parents were a bit older.....when my dad was young he was in a band.....he played fiddle, my uncle played banjo, my other uncle was "caller".....they did square hadn't really caught on yet.....
I don't know, the quick post is acting up. I think it's the server spikes we've been getting. I'm dealing with the server company trying to get them to shut down whomever is doing this to us.