Some basic facts on Gaza

Have one, thanks.
Not for Arabs. Apparently they aren't human and thus don't count.

Never said they were.
It's your implication.

You are describing Hamas. Israel is not Hamas.
I am stating documented IDF war crimes that you openly deny. It's your attempt to conceal your special pleading fallacy for Israel.

Hamas attacked Israel
Yes, Hamas carried out Iran's attack on Israel.

Israel is effectively shutting Hamas and anyone that supports it.
Far more than that. Israel is committing genocide while you excuse it.

I do not support Nazis
You support the genocide of Gaza's Arab Semites because Israel is the perpetrator. If anyone else were committing genocide, or if a people other than Arab Semites were being exterminated, you might object.

Israel is not Germany. There are no Nazis.
You spoke too soon. Israel is looking every bit the Nazi State. We need to see if a National Socialist Workers Party emerges in Israel.

I repeat my question: Who should conduct the investigation?
That should be discussed. All investigations should be fair and thorough. Will you join me and insist on accountability, or are you going to demand the world look the other way?

There will not be another Holocaust.
It's already happening in Gaza at the hands of the IDF.

Israel shoots back now.
Israel commits genocide now.

Apparently you have a problem with that.
Absolutely. Israel fires missiles into civilians, for no reason other than they want to eradicate humans that they HATE, humans that never attacked Israel and who never committed any crime. I do not give Israel blanket permission, as you do, to commit genocide. Israel has every right to defend itself and can certainly declare war, but Israel must conduct all warfare legally. The IDF has not and their war crimes should be investigated and tried.

Who would you suggest lead the investigations? ... or should Israel be allowed to perpetrate Holocaust II on the Arab Semites?

Why do you support Hamas??
I don't support anybody. I demand accountability. I demand investigations.
They chose poorly.
i.e. you excuse Israel's genocide. I got it. The civilian noncombatants that ate reckless Israeli airstrikes totally deserved their doom. I got it.

Maybe after this war is done, the Palestinians in Gaza will run Hamas and the other terrorists living there out of town on a rail but somehow, I doubt it.
You doubt they'll do it because you expect them all to have been slaughtered by then.

When you let your government start a war
Nope. Israel does not have license to commit war crimes.
There is no genocide.
Yep, it's occurring as we speak. It has been occurring since Oct. 7th. Thousands of innocent civilians dead due to IDF war crimes that show no sign of letting up.

It is HAMAS that wants genocide.
If you are trying to tell me that Hamas wants to wipe all Jews off the face of the earth, I acknowledge. But I'm not talking about what anybody wants. I'm talking about the genocide that is currently in progress, being successfully perpetrated by Israel. Not only does Israel want to perpetrate genocide of Arab Semites, they are successfully doing so, as in the present progressive.

By the way, the Israeli in the video below that is shouting that the second Nakba is here, is taunting Palestinians that the second Holocaust is here (Nakba = Holocaust). If you don't like the insinuation, you might want to reconsider your blind following of the ideals of Israel. The Israelis want a Holocaust perpetrated on Arabs and the IDF is actively perpetrating that Holocaust. Your denial is beyond the point of being absurd.

There is no Holocaust occurring.
Say it with me "The second Nakba is on its way!" "The second Nakba is on its way!"
So, why didn't the Hamas government of Gaza or the people living in Gaza exploit those to become filthy rich?

How did any of what you stated alter the election that put Hamas in power?

1. Do you not understand the details of the situation? How the hell are they suppose to import the machinery and technology necessary to "exploit" this resource when they can barely leave the area or have family friends visit per Israeli law? C'mon man, THINK! READ!4

2. :palm: Will you fucking READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY? It's explained in the article. If you still don't understand, get a nearby adult to explain it to you.
1. Do you not understand the details of the situation? How the hell are they suppose to import the machinery and technology necessary to "exploit" this resource when they can barely leave the area or have family friends visit per Israeli law? C'mon man, THINK! READ!4

2. :palm: Will you fucking READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY? It's explained in the article. If you still don't understand, get a nearby adult to explain it to you.

Why can't people leave? Answer: Because of the goddamned terrorists! Egypt doesn't want them in their country any more than Israel does. The sea side is controlled because the terrorist import all sorts of weapons and shit that their neighbors don't want them to have.

This is the Palestinian's and Hamas' fault, not the Israelis and Egyptians.
Guno צְבִי;5863507 said:
Seventeen years ago, Gaza was given to its Arab residents as a gift. It had porous borders, beaches, a port, unlimited potential.

Gazans decided to elect a jihadist militia which promotes the following

We will target civilians
We plan endless holy war
Allah wants Jews killed
Israel must be conquered and turned into a Muslim theocracy
If you did not protest the targeting of civilians, the call for genocide, the choice of impoverishing war over development and coexistence:

Hamas has caused the past sixteen years of Gaza’s downward spiral, all the violent deaths on both sides, and the current war.

Imagine what wonders the Muslims could have done with Gaza - if only they weren't more inclined toward jihad.

Facts? What TV told you That?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1. Do you not understand the details of the situation? How the hell are they suppose to import the machinery and technology necessary to "exploit" this resource when they can barely leave the area or have family friends visit per Israeli law? C'mon man, THINK! READ!4

2. Will you fucking READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY? It's explained in the article. If you still don't understand, get a nearby adult to explain it to you.

Why can't people leave? Answer: Because of the goddamned terrorists! Egypt doesn't want them in their country any more than Israel does. The sea side is controlled because the terrorist import all sorts of weapons and shit that their neighbors don't want them to have.

This is the Palestinian's and Hamas' fault, not the Israelis and Egyptians.

See, this your don't read the material offered, yet you continually make all types of declarations and statements based SOLELY on your supposition and conjecture. Then you dodge and blow smoke...not realizing how you paint yourself into a corner.

YOU asked a question, and when presented with the answer you rejected it in favor of the aforementioned penchant of yours. Bottom line: Facts and logic mean nothing to you, and therefore any attempt at rational discussion is worthless.
See, this your don't read the material offered, yet you continually make all types of declarations and statements based SOLELY on your supposition and conjecture. Then you dodge and blow smoke...not realizing how you paint yourself into a corner.

YOU asked a question, and when presented with the answer you rejected it in favor of the aforementioned penchant of yours. Bottom line: Facts and logic mean nothing to you, and therefore any attempt at rational discussion is worthless.

Where am I wrong in what I said?
Not for Arabs. Apparently they aren't human and thus don't count.
They are. Hamas chose to start a war with Israel. They are all human beings.
It's your implication.
I never made any such implication. Word stuffing.
I am stating documented IDF war crimes that you openly deny. It's your attempt to conceal your special pleading fallacy for Israel.
Fallacy fallacy. I am not pleading for Israel or for war. I CAN understand, however, the Israelis have against Hamas.
Yes, Hamas carried out Iran's attack on Israel.
Hamas is in Gaza. Iran did not invade. Hamas did.
Far more than that. Israel is committing genocide while you excuse it.
Israel is not committing genocide. Hamas wants to though.
You support the genocide of Gaza's Arab Semites because Israel is the perpetrator. If anyone else were committing genocide, or if a people other than Arab Semites were being exterminated, you might object.
There is no genocide.
You spoke too soon. Israel is looking every bit the Nazi State.
Israel is not Germany. There are no Nazis.
We need to see if a National Socialist Workers Party emerges in Israel.
Since Israel is currently embracing capitalism, when do you thing that will happen?
Like I said, I can understand the anger among Israeli citizens. Hamas attacked them and started this war.
That should be discussed. All investigations should be fair and thorough. Will you join me and insist on accountability, or are you going to demand the world look the other way?
Answer the question put to you. Don't evade.
It's already happening in Gaza at the hands of the IDF.
Israel commits genocide now.
There is no genocide.
Absolutely. Israel fires missiles into civilians, for no reason other than they want to eradicate humans that they HATE, humans that never attacked Israel and who never committed any crime. I do not give Israel blanket permission, as you do, to commit genocide. Israel has every right to defend itself and can certainly declare war, but Israel must conduct all warfare legally. The IDF has not and their war crimes should be investigated and tried.
Answer the question put to you.
Who would you suggest lead the investigations? ... or should Israel be allowed to perpetrate Holocaust II on the Arab Semites?
No, you don't get to turn the question around. Stop evading. Answer the question put to you.
I don't support anybody. I demand accountability. I demand investigations.
Answer the question put to you. Stop chanting.
i.e. you excuse Israel's genocide. I got it.
There is no genocide.
The civilian noncombatants
How do you know they are noncombatants?
that ate reckless Israeli airstrikes totally deserved their doom. I got it.
Apparently not.
You doubt they'll do it because you expect them all to have been slaughtered by then.
There is no genocide.
Nope. Israel does not have license to commit war crimes.
Stop chanting. Answer the question put to you.
Yep, it's occurring as we speak.
It has been occurring since Oct. 7th.
There is no genocide.
Thousands of innocent civilians dead due to IDF war crimes that show no sign of letting up.
How do you know they were innocent or how big the number is? Argument from randU fallacy. Stop chanting. Answer the question put to you.
If you are trying to tell me that Hamas wants to wipe all Jews off the face of the earth, I acknowledge.
But I'm not talking about what anybody wants.
I will call this argument 1, and you are.
I'm talking about the genocide that is currently in progress,
being successfully perpetrated by Israel.
There is no genocide.
Not only does Israel want to perpetrate genocide of Arab Semites, they are successfully doing so, as in the present progressive.
I will call this argument 2. Paradox. Irrational.
You are now locked in paradox. You cannot declare it's not about want and it is about want at the same time.
By the way, the Israeli in the video below that is shouting that the second Nakba is here, is taunting Palestinians that the second Holocaust is here (Nakba = Holocaust). If you don't like the insinuation, you might want to reconsider your blind following of the ideals of Israel. The Israelis want a Holocaust perpetrated on Arabs and the IDF is actively perpetrating that Holocaust. Your denial is beyond the point of being absurd.

Say it with me "The second Nakba is on its way!" "The second Nakba is on its way!"
Like I said, I can understand the anger in Israel right now. They were attacked by Hamas. Hamas started the war.

A photo of the so-called "genocide" where somehow most of the people survive it without ever going into captivity...
A photo of the so-called "genocide" where somehow most of the people survive it without ever going into captivity...

Well you have to remember the left has an affinity for changing the definition of words to fit their narrative. So "genocide" could mean anything from using the wrong pronoun to killing 6 million Jews.
Well you have to remember the left has an affinity for changing the definition of words to fit their narrative. So "genocide" could mean anything from using the wrong pronoun to killing 6 million Jews.

Yes, I know. It's the Humpty Dumpty effect

A photo of the so-called "genocide" where somehow most of the people survive it without ever going into captivity...
I appreciate you expressing your honest dismissiveness to the innocent noncombatants who were slaughtered by the IDF because they were subhuman Arabs. I sense your sadness that some survived, but now that you couch the event in those terms, I suppose that it does, in fact, totally excuse the IDF for launching yet another air strike into civilian targets.

Thank you for putting it all into a proper light.

p.s. - It was totally my bad for implying that an image somehow depicted "a genocide" when it was clearly only showing the destruction from one IDF air strike on a civilian structure that killed dozens, in which some actually survived. It's not the IDF's fault that the survivors couldn't be administered proper care at a hospital ... oh wait, yes, that is the IDF's fault as well. But overall, good catch. Some did, in fact, survive. I'm sure some IDF soldiers will be reprimanded for such negligence.
Well you have to remember the left has an affinity for changing the definition of words to fit their narrative. So "genocide" could mean anything from using the wrong pronoun to killing 6 million Jews.
Is that what I am? Am I on the left? The left engages in special pleading fallacies all the time as well as two-tier justice systems, and here you are excusing war crimes that are otherwise punishable by hanging everywhere in the world, just because Israel is the perpetrator. Leftist. You refer to the wholesale slaughter of thousands of civilian Arab Semite noncombatants (who never attacked Israel) via internationally recognized war crimes (air strikes into civilian targets) as "Israel's duty ... to defend itself"? You HATE Arabs. You can't wait to blame the subhuman Arab Semites for the Ayatollah's malfeasance because you just want the world rid of the vermin. You give yourself away every time you express or imply that innocent noncombatants somehow deserve whatever they get, including the children. You're a shitty person.
I appreciate you expressing your honest dismissiveness to the innocent noncombatants who were slaughtered by the IDF because they were subhuman Arabs.
I sense your sadness that some survived, but now that you couch the event in those terms, I suppose that it does, in fact, totally excuse the IDF for launching yet another air strike into civilian targets.
What civilian targets? It's a war zone.
Thank you for putting it all into a proper light.

p.s. - It was totally my bad for implying that an image somehow depicted "a genocide" when it was clearly only showing the destruction from one IDF air strike on a civilian structure that killed dozens, in which some actually survived.
Hamas was using that structure to house weapons and supplies.
It's not the IDF's fault that the survivors couldn't be administered proper care at a hospital ... oh wait, yes, that is the IDF's fault as well.
They are...finally. Ground forces have reached the hospital and are restoring medical services.
But overall, good catch. Some did, in fact, survive. I'm sure some IDF soldiers will be reprimanded for such negligence.
The hospital was first hit by Hamas rockets. They ARE unguided, after all. The hospital was being used by Hamas to house weapons and supplies.
I appreciate you expressing your honest dismissiveness to the innocent noncombatants who were slaughtered by the IDF because they were subhuman Arabs. I sense your sadness that some survived, but now that you couch the event in those terms, I suppose that it does, in fact, totally excuse the IDF for launching yet another air strike into civilian targets.

Thank you for putting it all into a proper light.

p.s. - It was totally my bad for implying that an image somehow depicted "a genocide" when it was clearly only showing the destruction from one IDF air strike on a civilian structure that killed dozens, in which some actually survived. It's not the IDF's fault that the survivors couldn't be administered proper care at a hospital ... oh wait, yes, that is the IDF's fault as well. But overall, good catch. Some did, in fact, survive. I'm sure some IDF soldiers will be reprimanded for such negligence.

You don't get it. This is a war. It is occurring in one of the most densely populated cities on the planet. There are going to be civilian casualties, lots of them. That doesn't mean Israel is committing "genocide." If Israel were, when they took that hospital the other day they'd have shot all the patients and hospital staff. But they didn't. They allowed them to continue treating patients even if the conditions were poor. It isn't the IDF's fault that they have higher priorities in a war than caring for civilian patients in a hospital.

If you happen to live in a high rise apartment building that also houses Hamas stuff and maybe some troops, then expect to see your apartment blown up with the rest of the building. That's not the IDF's fault, you chose poorly. Being in a building with Hamas makes it a military target and your apartment collateral damage. That's how wars work.

The Israel military aren't a police force. They aren't there to arrest bad guys and protect the innocent. They are in Gaza to kill their enemy, Hamas and other terrorist groups, destroy those group's stuff, and make damn sure they can't fight Israel in the future. Civilian casualties are inevitable given how densely Gaza is populated.