Some Clarification On Some of the Questions Surrounding the Foley Fiasco


Senior Member
Apprently the age limit is 16 as I said for the Pages as I said. As this article clearly shows. The link for all of this will be at the bottom of the page.

"Similar to interns, pages are 11th-grade pupils from across the country who spend a year in Washington working for House members training for possible political careers later. The pages must be at least 16 years old."

There was quite a discussion yesterday regarding whose responsibility it was and who leaked what to whom when. Much of this curiosity was clothed in the language of "the whole truth" and making sure that everyone involved with the cover-up was held responsible. Looks to me like the person who was so concerned about "the whole truth" better get on the phone to Roger Ailes because FOXSPEWS, in another ill-concieved attempt to make sure that what "we report" doesn't lead to the wrong decision when "you decide" had the story and sat on it. So go after FOXSPEWS, now go, call Ailes now and tell him you are swearing out a complaint for his covering this up. And then get on the phone to your local authority and tell them to get something going in New York on this...Go ON!!!

Here's the pertinent quote:

"Meanwhile, Florida newspapers — who were leaked copies of the e-mail with the Louisiana boy last year — defended their decision not to run stories. Both The St. Petersburg Times and The Miami Herald were given copies of the e-mail, as were other news organizations, including Fox News.

"Our decision at the time was ... that because the language was not sexually explicit and was subject to interpretation, from innocuous to 'sick,' as the page characterized it, to be cautious," said Tom Fiedler, executive editor of the Herald. "Given the potentially devastating impact that a false suggestion of pedophilia could have on anyone, not to mention a congressman known to be gay, and lacking any corroborating information, we chose not to do a story."

Hastert called on any person who was aware of the 2003 instant messages to speak to law enforcement authorities. He said no Republican leader in Congress was aware of those exchanges until Friday, when ABC News reported it had questioned Foley about them."

Can You Imagine what FOXSPEWS would be saying if the perpetrator was a Democrat and this had been released to CBS and they had sat on it????

Full Story: Read It and Weep!
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Foxnews was too busy last night reporting on John Murtha's involvement in ABSCAM 29 years ago!
sptimes is a liberal paper unless the were sold in the last few years. Was independent and not one of the big nooze companies.
They said "Including" but clearly didn't give a full list of those agencies that received this information. It sounds like cherry-picking....
At least the Herald admits to getting the information and doing nothing with it as well...
At least the Herald admits to getting the information and doing nothing with it as well...

So I guess the charges by some that there is something highly suspicious that this didn't come out until just before the election are just plain hogwash aren't they??? Both a liberal publication (the International Herald Tribune is owned and operated by The New York Times) and of course no one would argue for a minute that FOXSPEWS is anything but conservative so looks like there is plenty of incontinence on this to go around.
Prakosh, it might be saying that even Faux news is turning on the republicans. I believe the top rated news show lately has been NBC evening news....'
The rats bailing out of a sinking ship. After all they should know a lot more about what is REALLY going on than we do.
So I guess the charges by some that there is something highly suspicious that this didn't come out until just before the election are just plain hogwash aren't they??? Both a liberal publication (the International Herald Tribune is owned and operated by The New York Times) and of course no one would argue for a minute that FOXSPEWS is anything but conservative so looks like there is plenty of incontinence on this to go around.
LOL. If I were a liberal rag, I'd hold it as long as possible to release it just before the election...
LOL. If I were a liberal rag, I'd hold it as long as possible to release it just before the election...

And why didn't FOXSPEWS release it; after all what better way to prove: "We report; you decide" than by giving the listeners and viewers something to really decide about???????

Couldn't the same doubts that troubled FOX have troubled others as well????
And why didn't FOXSPEWS release it; after all what better way to prove: "We report; you decide" than by giving the listeners and viewers something to really decide about???????

Couldn't the same doubts that troubled FOX have troubled others as well????
Don't know. Maybe Hastert, in his "brilliant" manuever of attempted coverup asked them not to? Or maybe they wanted to be sure of the story? Maybe the boys weren't blonde or female enough?

But the idea that the lefty paper not reporting it is evidence of their complicity is laughable!
Apprently the age limit is 16 as I said for the Pages as I said. As this article clearly shows. The link for all of this will be at the bottom of the page.

"Similar to interns, pages are 11th-grade pupils from across the country who spend a year in Washington working for House members training for possible political careers later. The pages must be at least 16 years old."

There was quite a discussion yesterday regarding whose responsibility it was and who leaked what to whom when. Much of this curiosity was clothed in the language of "the whole truth" and making sure that everyone involved with the cover-up was held responsible. Looks to me like the person who was so concerned about "the whole truth" better get on the phone to Roger Ailes because FOXSPEWS, in another ill-concieved attempt to make sure that what "we report" doesn't lead to the wrong decision when "you decide" had the story and sat on it. So go after FOXSPEWS, now go, call Ailes now and tell him you are swearing out a complaint for his covering this up. And then get on the phone to your local authority and tell them to get something going in New York on this...Go ON!!!

Here's the pertinent quote:

"Meanwhile, Florida newspapers — who were leaked copies of the e-mail with the Louisiana boy last year — defended their decision not to run stories. Both The St. Petersburg Times and The Miami Herald were given copies of the e-mail, as were other news organizations, including Fox News.

"Our decision at the time was ... that because the language was not sexually explicit and was subject to interpretation, from innocuous to 'sick,' as the page characterized it, to be cautious," said Tom Fiedler, executive editor of the Herald. "Given the potentially devastating impact that a false suggestion of pedophilia could have on anyone, not to mention a congressman known to be gay, and lacking any corroborating information, we chose not to do a story."

Hastert called on any person who was aware of the 2003 instant messages to speak to law enforcement authorities. He said no Republican leader in Congress was aware of those exchanges until Friday, when ABC News reported it had questioned Foley about them."

Can You Imagine what FOXSPEWS would be saying if the perpetrator was a Democrat and this had been released to CBS and they had sat on it????

Full Story: Read It and Weep!

Fine by me. Let's go check them out too. It's curious that you only hold Fox to task, though.

Actually, no, it's not curious. Really, it's a concise indication of the difference between us in this discussion. Unlike you who, in true partisan fashion, only calls certain parties to task, I don't want a limit.
Prakosh, it might be saying that even Faux news is turning on the republicans. I believe the top rated news show lately has been NBC evening news....'
The rats bailing out of a sinking ship. After all they should know a lot more about what is REALLY going on than we do.

FOXSPEWS never had the same audience that the Networks had. They are in a different system. The Networks, that is ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX are in competiton. But that isn't the FOXSPEWS that is on the Cable. That station is in competition with CNN, Headline News, MSNBC, and CNBC. And FOXSPEWS still leads this race in over all viewers but they are losing more and more viewers and MSNBC is really cutting in to FOXs younger and most important demographic. The average age of the FOX audience is something like 70 years old. I'm just kidding I don't remember but it is over 50.
Like my soon to be Ex FIL. Votes for bush loves FOX and lives off the govt ???
Not a church goer either. Go figure.
sptimes is a liberal paper unless the were sold in the last few years. Was independent and not one of the big nooze companies.

The st pete times was a conservative newspaper when I was there? At least I thought so? well, ok, maybe it was the Tampa Tribune that was conservative and the st pete times was liberal? But I don't think would make no sense, because Tampa should be more liberal than St pete with all the old folk there....?
Must be some kind of new therapy that they are giving Foley and evidently "part of Foley's recovery" (as his attorney keeps saying) is to send out his attorney to say he was abused as a child (appearently by a Catholic priest). He is gay. He is an alcoholic (closet type). And he never had illicit sex with anyone. Oh, and this press conference is "part of Foley's recovery." Remember the press conference is "part of Foley's recovery"...Really the press conference is "part of Foley's recovery"...the attorney wouldn't have called the press conference if it weren't for the therapeutic aspect of the press confernece, "it's part of Foley's recovery."

Yeah, so you can see he is getting better already...

A few more press conferences by his attorney and he will be completely cured...

Oh Yeah!!!!!!!!!
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Look pinheads, read what they say... The St. Pete Times had the emails, as did several other news outlets, they researched a little, found nothing worth doing a story on, and dropped it. The very same info these liberal rags couldn't find enough to do a story on, is what the Democrats think Hastert should resign over.

Let's clarify something here, with regard to Foley, there appears to be, two separate sets of correspondence. There are fairly harmless and somewhat friendly emails, where Foley asks the kids how things are going, and the most suggestive thing in them, is a request for a photo. Then, there are these instant messages, which are full of inappropriate language and unethical behavior. Hastert, just like the St. Pete Times, knew about the emails, not the instant messages. Just as soon as Hastert knew of the instant messages, Foley was asked to resign, and a complete investigation was launched by Hastert.

The question is, who knew about the instant messages, and how long did they withhold the information from the public? Were children put at risk of a sexual predator for months, while someone held this information, so as to release it a month from the election and reap maximum political advantage? If so, I think we need to make it front page news, and they need to pay a heavy price for it, just as Mark Foley is going to have to pay.
The age of Consent in Louisianna is 17 folks...that's where the first set of inappropriate emails came from, communications via email with a paige from Louisiana.

The age of consent in Florida is 18.

The age of consent for California is 18.

the explicit emails came from conversations with pages in those states I thought? And others too....

So what does this mean to the whole scenario?

Internet exploitation laws cover all under the age of 18 minors....

btw his lawyer said he said he never engaged in sex with any of them...
The st pete times was a conservative newspaper when I was there? At least I thought so? well, ok, maybe it was the Tampa Tribune that was conservative and the st pete times was liberal? But I don't think would make no sense, because Tampa should be more liberal than St pete with all the old folk there....?

LMAO! All three Tampa/St. Pete/Clearwater papers are liberal. Tampa is damn near militant liberal, and it makes St. Pete look "conservative" by contrast. Also, I wouldn't use your measure of perception to judge Liberal/Conservative, you're a left-wing loonytoon who thinks you're a moderate.