Some Clarification On Some of the Questions Surrounding the Foley Fiasco

The age of Consent in Louisianna is 17 folks...that's where the first set of inappropriate emails came from, communications via email with a paige from Louisiana.

The age of consent in Florida is 18.

The age of consent for California is 18.

the explicit emails came from conversations with pages in those states I thought? And others too....

So what does this mean to the whole scenario?

Internet exploitation laws cover all under the age of 18 minors....

btw his lawyer said he said he never engaged in sex with any of them...

Why are you so wrapped up in the technicalities? What the hell difference does it make what the age of consent is, in ANY state? These were high school kids, sent to Washington, to serve as pages on the floor of Congress! Monica Lewinski was a college kid, sent to Washington, to do an internship!

Either it is morally and ethically wrong, for a person in a position of authority to pursue their young subordinates, or it's not! The technicality of what age is legal here or there, is not at issue.... At least not for me, maybe it is for Democrats?
Get over it Dixie. One of your boys got caught with his hand in the pants jar. There are repercussions. Deal with it and spare us all your faux outrage and rank hypocrisy.

You look like a little sissy girl.
The St. Petersburg times is considered liberal.

The Tampa Tribune is considered Conservative.

Whats the third you lying idiot!
Why are you so wrapped up in the technicalities? What the hell difference does it make what the age of consent is, in ANY state? These were high school kids, sent to Washington, to serve as pages on the floor of Congress! Monica Lewinski was a college kid, sent to Washington, to do an internship!

Either it is morally and ethically wrong, for a person in a position of authority to pursue their young subordinates, or it's not! The technicality of what age is legal here or there, is not at issue.... At least not for me, maybe it is for Democrats?

Some of the adults here have been discussing whether or not there will be legal charges, moron. Age of consent has something to do with that.

Is that alright with you, or are we only allowed to discuss aspects that you consider relevant?

Why don't you go hold hands with that other self-appointed board moderator and "decider" Klaatu? Two self-important assholes; a cute couple indeed.
I mean, I don't get this developing pinhead logic, that it was perfectly okay for their guy to have a sexual relationship with a 17 year old page, because he was "legal" and yet, it was some sort of sick, twisted, perverted sex scandal, when a Republican cybers with a 16 year old, and everyone should be outraged and disgusted, and just resign over it! I understand the technicalities, and the law says what the law says, but I thought this was about the ethics?

And what about ol' Mac Reynolds? ........Well, ehheheh... he was only caught on tape making the deal to sleep with a 14 year old Catholic school girl.... so, they allowed him to plea bargain his way out of that particular charge. Barney and his boy lover's brothel? .......Well, ehhe heh... he didn't have any idea that was going on! What about the cigar-loving philanderer-in chief-and his perky little baby fat intern?

For Democrats, it's always about the technicality of it all... and if it's a Republican, it's always about finding the technicality to make the charge stick, while they do the opposite with their own. There really is no ethical component for them, it's completely political.
Is Dixie getting paid on a "per word" basis or something?

I never saw anyone so consistently using so many words to express such small thoughts.
I mean, I don't get this developing pinhead logic, that it was perfectly okay for their guy to have a sexual relationship with a 17 year old page, because he was "legal" and yet, it was some sort of sick, twisted, perverted sex scandal, when a Republican cybers with a 16 year old, and everyone should be outraged and disgusted, and just resign over it! I understand the technicalities, and the law says what the law says, but I thought this was about the ethics?

And what about ol' Mac Reynolds? ........Well, ehheheh... he was only caught on tape making the deal to sleep with a 14 year old Catholic school girl.... so, they allowed him to plea bargain his way out of that particular charge. Barney and his boy lover's brothel? .......Well, ehhe heh... he didn't have any idea that was going on! What about the cigar-loving philanderer-in chief-and his perky little baby fat intern?

For Democrats, it's always about the technicality of it all... and if it's a Republican, it's always about finding the technicality to make the charge stick, while they do the opposite with their own. There really is no ethical component for them, it's completely political.

both congressmen, back in 1983 were wrong, and IT WAS A POLITICAL SCANDAL BACK THEN dixie, as it is now...with foley.

no need to rehash OLD NEWS.....but fyi dem leader OF the house, tip oneil asked studds to resign the minute it was reported to him....Tip O, has boocoos of class over hastert...

studs refused....and HIS CONSTITUANTS reelected him...
How long ago was 1983?

23 years ago. I guess this Dixie is older than dirt or something, because many of us were far from being politically cognizant 23 years ago. Some here, were not born yet. But we're responsible anyway, and of course, this event from a quarter of a century ago, prove that the Foley scandal is "bipartisan".

I had never heard of this sudds guy until the right wing, in desperation, dusted off his name and went forward with the battle cry "OH Yeah? Well what about Suddsy?"

Chris Matthews I guess knew him, and said tonight, along with Mike Barnicale, that Tip O'Neil was besides himself and in fact, wanted him to resign. He refused to. No one could accuse O'Neil of an attempted cover-up.

No word on whether Sudds is still alive to enjoy his resurgence.

Certainly, Tip O'Neil is not.