Some Facts For Consideration

270,000,000 civilian firearms - 88.8 for every 100 people[/h] Ranked 1 in the world for civilian gun ownership

In the latest year, there were 9,146 homicides by firearm - 2.97 per 100,000 population. 60% of all homicides are by firearm

[SIZE=-2]SOURCE: CTS, via the UNODC and the Small Arms Survey[/SIZE]
270,000,000 civilian firearms - 88.8 for every 100 people[/h] Ranked 1 in the world for civilian gun ownership

In the latest year, there were 9,146 homicides by firearm - 2.97 per 100,000 population. 60% of all homicides are by firearm

[SIZE=-2]SOURCE: CTS, via the UNODC and the Small Arms Survey[/SIZE]

Those stats will be relevant when you can tell me how many of those murders were committed by legally owned firearms. Otherwise, the numbers could just as easily prove the futility of more gun laws.
Those stats will be relevant when you can tell me how many of those murders were committed by legally owned firearms. Otherwise, the numbers could just as easily prove the futility of more gun laws.

So you resort to pretending that I advocated "more gun laws"?

I still marvel that a recluse like Damo out on his farm in the hills has a complete disconnect as to why community leaders in urban centers don't want to see the Crips and the Bloods legally buying a fully automatic machine gun. Shows both a lack of empathy and a lack of imagination.

What I also laugh at is that arguments to limit the access of criminals to military style weapons is "Banning guns". Now there's an argument for the brain dead.

I grew up in a rural region steeped in the traditions of hunting and knowing how to use a fire arm. I honor and respect that tradition.

I've also lived about half my adult life in urban areas where I've seen the terror caused by organized criminal elements having access to military style assualt weapons. What's funny to me is seeing some clodhopper with no imagination thinking the conditions that exist in Flyover, NoWhere are the same as they are in the city where your bangin heads with the Crips and the Bloods.

What they need to do is ship a bunch of M-13 members to rural/small town America with a full compliment of automatic weapons and let the Rubes try and deal with those assholes with their shotguns and hunting rifles and their big NRA talk and see how far that gets them when the first drive by shooting goes down.
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I still marvel that a recluse like Damo out on his farm in the hills has a complete disconnect as to why community leaders in urban centers don't want to see the Crips and the Hoods legally buying a fully automatic machine gun. Shows both a lack of empathy and a lack of imagination.

What I also laugh at is that arguments to limit the access of criminals to military style weapons is "Banning guns". Now there's an argument for the brain dead.

I grew up in a rural region steeped in the traditions of hunting and knowing how to use a fire arm. I honor and respect that tradition.

I've also lived about half my adult life in urban areas where I've seen the terror caused by organized criminal elements having access to military style assualt weapons. What's funny to me is seeing some clodhopper with no imagination thinking the conditions that exist in Flyover, NoWhere are the same as they are in the city where your bangin heads with the Crips and the Hoods.

What they need to do is ship a bunch of M-13 members to rural/small town America with a full compliment of automatic weapons and let the Rubes try and deal with those assholes with their shotguns and hunting rifles and their big NRA talk and see how far that gets them when the first drive by shooting goes down.

Do you think conservatives want non-whites to enjoy the right to bear arms?
A The number of physicians in the US currently is approx: 700,000.
B. Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year are on average: 120,000.
C. (calculation) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171

(Statistics courtesy of the US Dept of Health Human Services)

A. The number of gun owners in the US is about 80,000,000. (yeah, million)
B. The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
C. (calculation) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.000188.

(Statistics courtesy of the FBI).

So, statistically doctors are 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners. While not everybody has a gun, pretty much everybody has access to doctors (at least one).

Please alert all your friends of this danger! Ban doctors at once!

(Out of concern for the public at large we did not include stats on lawyers as it may cause a panic and cause people to seek medical attention and thus present them to danger we could otherwise avoid.)

what is the number of purposeful human deaths by gun in this country?
completely untrue. we're always hearing about all the 'accidental' deaths and innocent bystanders that could happen during the wild west shootouts of people defending themselves in movie theaters.

what is the number of purposeful human deaths by gun in this country?

imo, the above is what i was talking about. they are more concerned with intentional deaths than accidental deaths. only idiots like legion troll constantly post stories about accidental gun deaths. i'm not saying they are not concerned, rather, their main concern is intentional. i may be wrong, but that is how i see it.
I still marvel that a recluse like Damo out on his farm in the hills has a complete disconnect as to why community leaders in urban centers don't want to see the Crips and the Bloods legally buying a fully automatic machine gun.
The Crips and Bloods never bought legal machine guns, and likely never bought illegal ones either. They're a poor choice for anything other than military fire suppression, and are rather expensive for no discernable return.
Shows both a lack of empathy and a lack of imagination.
Yes, theres plenty of imagining in your response Mott, of that we can be certain.
What I also laugh at is that arguments to limit the access of criminals to military style weapons is "Banning guns". Now there's an argument for the brain dead.
Well, when the preferred method of your types is to ban said firearms, yes that is banning guns. It's hard to see why you cannot comprehend that fact but then you are from Ohio and are therefore a retard. But since I bolded the part about "military style weapons" perhaps you could describe one, post a picture or two of them and tell me what makes them "military style weapons"? I'll assume that because you have some actual experience with guns it won't simply be they're black and look scary.

I grew up in a rural region steeped in the traditions of hunting and knowing how to use a fire arm. I honor and respect that tradition.
Lovely. I enjoy driving 10 miles of the speed limit and love fish and chips. What has any of that to do with gun control? Hunting and its implements, though certainly protected by the 2A, are nowhere to be found in the Constitution or any relevent USSC precedent on the matter.

I've also lived about half my adult life in urban areas where I've seen the terror caused by organized criminal elements having access to military style assualt weapons.
Then you have lived in fantasy land. Even the FBI and ATF, notoriously anti-gun government organizations, have stated publically that "assault weapons" were at most ued in 2-3% of crimes. Not just murders, crimes in general. They're not practical for criminals.
What's funny to me is seeing some clodhopper with no imagination thinking the conditions that exist in Flyover, NoWhere are the same as they are in the city where your bangin heads with the Crips and the Bloods.
All this talk of Crips and Bloods is making me think you racist Mott. Other than that, this whole sentance is meaningless.

What they need to do is ship a bunch of M-13 members to rural/small town America with a full compliment of automatic weapons and let the Rubes try and deal with those assholes with their shotguns and hunting rifles and their big NRA talk and see how far that gets them when the first drive by shooting goes down.
Well, considering the Afghans have managed to do the same to us for about 10 years, having the defenders advantage and all, I'd say that Bubba and Mary Sue would fair rather well. But this arguement itself serves to highlight your retardness. You understand of course, that criminals obtain their firearms illegally or from the U.S. DoJ correct? So why then would you want to limit what law abiders can do to even the playing field? More over, can you point to any evidence that suggests such weapons are used often by gangs or if there are any examples of such laws working effectively? Aren't the Crips and Bloods HQs in Cali, home of some of the most draconian gun laws on the planet?
I still marvel that a recluse like Damo out on his farm in the hills has a complete disconnect as to why community leaders in urban centers don't want to see the Crips and the Bloods legally buying a fully automatic machine gun. Shows both a lack of empathy and a lack of imagination.

What I also laugh at is that arguments to limit the access of criminals to military style weapons is "Banning guns". Now there's an argument for the brain dead.

I grew up in a rural region steeped in the traditions of hunting and knowing how to use a fire arm. I honor and respect that tradition.

I've also lived about half my adult life in urban areas where I've seen the terror caused by organized criminal elements having access to military style assualt weapons. What's funny to me is seeing some clodhopper with no imagination thinking the conditions that exist in Flyover, NoWhere are the same as they are in the city where your bangin heads with the Crips and the Bloods.

What they need to do is ship a bunch of M-13 members to rural/small town America with a full compliment of automatic weapons and let the Rubes try and deal with those assholes with their shotguns and hunting rifles and their big NRA talk and see how far that gets them when the first drive by shooting goes down.
why is it that YOU proles are always trying to put decent americans at a disadvantage by placing a better armed enemy in our midst?
I still marvel that a recluse like Damo out on his farm in the hills has a complete disconnect as to why community leaders in urban centers don't want to see the Crips and the Bloods legally buying a fully automatic machine gun. Shows both a lack of empathy and a lack of imagination.
These laws won't stop that. The bad guys don't get background checks. And the foolish idea that I've always lived where I do is simply wrong. My father was a frickin' 1%er (not rich, a motorcycle club member SoS if you want to know). I worked to get myself where I am, it didn't come from easy living. Understanding that if I lived in that area I certainly would want to be able to legally defend myself... that wouldn't change. In fact, it is less important where I live than it would be there.

What I also laugh at is that arguments to limit the access of criminals to military style weapons is "Banning guns". Now there's an argument for the brain dead.
I laugh at the idea that a guy who could make complex bombs (as shown by his apartment) couldn't have killed far more people with weapons he made himself. It was a blessing that he didn't use all of his knowledge to simply kill as many as possible.

I grew up in a rural region steeped in the traditions of hunting and knowing how to use a fire arm. I honor and respect that tradition.
Yet you mock me for allowing my children to grow up in one, falsely claim knowledge of my life based on my current situation, and pretend that I don't understand.

I've also lived about half my adult life in urban areas where I've seen the terror caused by organized criminal elements having access to military style assualt weapons. What's funny to me is seeing some clodhopper with no imagination thinking the conditions that exist in Flyover, NoWhere are the same as they are in the city where your bangin heads with the Crips and the Bloods.
Um.. yeah. Less than 10 years ago I had a rapist hiding in my back yard, I found his gun the next morning and turned it in to the police who were there the night before arresting him. This was in one of your blessed "urban" areas. I have seen that terror, and also saw the terror on that kid's face when he realized I was armed and would not be an easy target...

What they need to do is ship a bunch of M-13 members to rural/small town America with a full compliment of automatic weapons and let the Rubes try and deal with those assholes with their shotguns and hunting rifles and their big NRA talk and see how far that gets them when the first drive by shooting goes down.
What they need to do is ship a bunch of them to an island where they can kill each other. I was about to say they could just ship them to the house of the sanctimonious but I wouldn't wish them on anybody. I bounce in a bar owned by a friend where these gang members often come. I wouldn't wish them on anybody, even the sanctimonious people who think they know about my life because they project their own beliefs onto it.
These laws won't stop that. The bad guys don't get background checks. And the foolish idea that I've always lived where I do is simply wrong. My father was a frickin' 1%er (not rich, a motorcycle club member SoS if you want to know). I worked to get myself where I am, it didn't come from easy living. Understanding that if I lived in that area I certainly would want to be able to legally defend myself... that wouldn't change. In fact, it is less important where I live than it would be there.

I laugh at the idea that a guy who could make complex bombs (as shown by his apartment) couldn't have killed far more people with weapons he made himself. It was a blessing that he didn't use all of his knowledge to simply kill as many as possible.

Yet you mock me for allowing my children to grow up in one, falsely claim knowledge of my life based on my current situation, and pretend that I don't understand.

Um.. yeah. Less than 10 years ago I had a rapist hiding in my back yard, I found his gun the next morning and turned it in to the police who were there the night before arresting him. This was in one of your blessed "urban" areas. I have seen that terror, and also saw the terror on that kid's face when he realized I was armed and would not be an easy target...

What they need to do is ship a bunch of them to an island where they can kill each other. I was about to say they could just ship them to the house of the sanctimonious but I wouldn't wish them on anybody. I bounce in a bar owned by a friend where these gang members often come. I wouldn't wish them on anybody, even the sanctimonious people who think they know about my life because they project their own beliefs onto it.

Biker kid - bouncer - armed!!
I knew there was a reason I liked you. :D
Aren't all gun laws unconstitutional?

Why shouldn't the Crips, Bloods, MS-13, Aryan Brotherhood, Outlaws, Pagans, etc. be able to arm themselves with any available weapon?
These laws won't stop that. The bad guys don't get background checks. And the foolish idea that I've always lived where I do is simply wrong. My father was a frickin' 1%er (not rich, a motorcycle club member SoS if you want to know). I worked to get myself where I am, it didn't come from easy living. Understanding that if I lived in that area I certainly would want to be able to legally defend myself... that wouldn't change. In fact, it is less important where I live than it would be there.

I laugh at the idea that a guy who could make complex bombs (as shown by his apartment) couldn't have killed far more people with weapons he made himself. It was a blessing that he didn't use all of his knowledge to simply kill as many as possible.

Yet you mock me for allowing my children to grow up in one, falsely claim knowledge of my life based on my current situation, and pretend that I don't understand.

Um.. yeah. Less than 10 years ago I had a rapist hiding in my back yard, I found his gun the next morning and turned it in to the police who were there the night before arresting him. This was in one of your blessed "urban" areas. I have seen that terror, and also saw the terror on that kid's face when he realized I was armed and would not be an easy target...

What they need to do is ship a bunch of them to an island where they can kill each other. I was about to say they could just ship them to the house of the sanctimonious but I wouldn't wish them on anybody. I bounce in a bar owned by a friend where these gang members often come. I wouldn't wish them on anybody, even the sanctimonious people who think they know about my life because they project their own beliefs onto it.
Hey hyperbole begats hyperbole. Gun violence and deaths are a serious problem in our nation (as is mortality/morbidity rates due to medical malpractice). What's wrong with common sense laws that prevent guns from getting into the hands of criminals? I find your disconnect on this issue, as well as other gun fanatics, every bit as niave as I find Bijouix's demonization of hunters cause she's disconneced from rural life.

Marginalzing a very serious problem by making fun of it isn't going to help solve anything.
Gun rights are Constitutionally guaranteed for all Americans.

Any attempt to limit the ownership, acquisition or open display of firearms is unconstitutional.

Malpractice is a civil matter.
Hey hyperbole begats hyperbole. Gun violence and deaths are a serious problem in our nation (as is mortality/morbidity rates due to medical malpractice). What's wrong with common sense laws that prevent guns from getting into the hands of criminals? I find your disconnect on this issue, as well as other gun fanatics, every bit as niave as I find Bijouix's demonization of hunters cause she's disconneced from rural life.

Marginalzing a very serious problem by making fun of it isn't going to help solve anything.

Well, why not deal with the cause of violence, instead of the tools?