Some historical perspective on Snowden

there was no revelation he released.

I still don't understand why people don't realize we already KNEW what he released
there was no revelation he released.

I still don't understand why people don't realize we already KNEW what he released

I agree. He just got more publicity on it. But he certainly betrayed his security classification for not a good reason.
the patriot act was scaled back by a dem congress once they got control.

The weakened it.

Now the Rs claim its some abomination yet they loved it when it was more invasive
I don't give a damn about Snowden. Ad hom, either in attack or in portraying him as a hero, has nothing to do with my opinion on the NSA and the surveillance state. I am sure he, like everyone else, is a mixed bag of good and bad traits.
Some recent perspectives ..

Obama signs Patriot Act extension without reforms
Privacy advocates had called for greater oversight on aspects of the Patriot Act that give the government broad powers. But the version Obama signed Saturday moved through Congress unchanged.

FBI’s Patriot Act records requests skyrocket 1,000% under Obama: report

The FBI’s use of a controversial Patriot Act provision to demand business records has skyrocketed more than 1,000 percent under President Barack Obama versus his Republican predecessor George W. Bush, according to a report by NBC News.

Obama, Bush, and the Patriot Act

It would be wrong to see the latest curtain against transparency as marking a change of policy. True, Obama promised, in the Democratic primaries of 2008, to filibuster against a proposed amnesty for telecoms firms that illegally co-operated with a request by the Office of the Vice President to divulge information about their customers. The conduct of the telecoms firms was a violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which forbade eavesdropping on Americans without judicial oversight. But in July 2008, once Obama had secured the Democratic nomination, this became the first promise on which he reneged. It set a pattern for an administration that in its earliest days adopted a slogan which would cover many further amnesties: 'We look to the future, not the past.'

Warrantless Electronic Surveillance Surges Under Obama Justice Department

Government spying on Americans increased under Obama’s watch

Anyone looking to put this all on republicans should think again.

The counter to an ad hom attack of Snowden is not an attack on Obama, which is predictably followed with an attack on Bush devolving into more bullshit about who is really to blame, Democrats or Republicans. Fuck, each and every one of them! It all just diverts attention from the important topic of whether what the NSA is doing is a good or bad practice. That should be the focus.

The counter to an ad hom attack of Snowden is not an attack on Obama, which is predictably followed with an attack on Bush devolving into more bullshit about who is really to blame, Democrats or Republicans. Fuck, each and every one of them! It all just diverts attention from the important topic of whether what the NSA is doing is a good or bad practice. That should be the focus.

Give us an all dem government like the people have wanted for decades and we will see which party improves America.

we would have never had a patriot act if Bush had not stolen the elctions in 2000 by keeping black people from voting
Some recent perspectives ..

Obama signs Patriot Act extension without reforms
Privacy advocates had called for greater oversight on aspects of the Patriot Act that give the government broad powers. But the version Obama signed Saturday moved through Congress unchanged.

FBI’s Patriot Act records requests skyrocket 1,000% under Obama: report

The FBI’s use of a controversial Patriot Act provision to demand business records has skyrocketed more than 1,000 percent under President Barack Obama versus his Republican predecessor George W. Bush, according to a report by NBC News.

Obama, Bush, and the Patriot Act

It would be wrong to see the latest curtain against transparency as marking a change of policy. True, Obama promised, in the Democratic primaries of 2008, to filibuster against a proposed amnesty for telecoms firms that illegally co-operated with a request by the Office of the Vice President to divulge information about their customers. The conduct of the telecoms firms was a violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which forbade eavesdropping on Americans without judicial oversight. But in July 2008, once Obama had secured the Democratic nomination, this became the first promise on which he reneged. It set a pattern for an administration that in its earliest days adopted a slogan which would cover many further amnesties: 'We look to the future, not the past.'

Warrantless Electronic Surveillance Surges Under Obama Justice Department

Government spying on Americans increased under Obama’s watch

Anyone looking to put this all on republicans should think again.

Bac, if you can get Desh to a knowledge any of what you posted you sir might win the title of greatest JPP debater of all time.
BAC is already greatest of all time. dude is so clutch and consistent and principled and non hypocritical. BAC rules.

The counter to an ad hom attack of Snowden is not an attack on Obama, which is predictably followed with an attack on Bush devolving into more bullshit about who is really to blame, Democrats or Republicans. Fuck, each and every one of them! It all just diverts attention from the important topic of whether what the NSA is doing is a good or bad practice. That should be the focus.
So you're troubled by a database of phone records?

I'm not. I'm more troubled by the goddamned tracking cookies that send me specific ads on facebook.

It's downright creepy.