Some historical perspective on Snowden

Perhaps the tune has grown from a simple hum to an operatic aria lately? :)

:0) I think you may be listening to my song a bit differently good brother.

When I was blasting Bush .. and blasting I was .. I fit nicely among progressives like yourself. We were all right to call out the abuses of the Bush Administration, and we stood against those abuses, and we stood for the innocent people he was killing and maiming. We spoke truth about the Bush attacks on civil liberties, like the Patriot Act. We all spoke truth to corporate control of our government. We all spoke truth about the Bush foreign policy and how it alienated and distanced us from the rest of the world.

I wasn't singing solos my friend .. I was in the chorus with you.

Today, I'm still singing the same song about innocent life and needless for-profit war , the Bush foreign policy, attacks on civil liberties, and corporate control of our government. The difference is that today, I sing a lot of solos. My voice sounds different to you because today, you're not singing with me and I'm no longer in a chorus.

I sing this song more loudly that I sing any other, so yes, my voice is loud and full of honest passion.

But it think it important to know that although I may sound off-key to you as a soloist on this song, on many other issues, you and I are Pavarotti and James Brown .. singing the same song in different octaves. :0)

My article is about what happened under Obama, Soc. Try and chill, maybe you should smoke a joint.
I reread what I posted and I realized it sounded like I was directing that at you. Sorry, I KNOW that the article is about Obama. I should have said some progressives rather than YOU progressives.
I reread what I posted and I realized it sounded like I was directing that at you. Sorry, I KNOW that the article is about Obama. I should have said some progressives rather than YOU progressives.

Oh that's okay. I was stoned at the time and might not have realized what you were saying no matter how you phrased it.
It is now more invasive, more used against a broader range of people for more reasons in a less dangerous world.


And that is the bottom line....its not that the Pat. Act itself is bad, its that its being used by a corrupt administration for things it was not meant to be used for.
And that is the bottom line....its not that the Pat. Act itself is bad, its that its being used by a corrupt administration for things it was not meant to be used for.
Please, both administrations used it to listen in on US citizens. Let's not pretend that the Patriot Act was used in benign ways when Bush was president. Now you are sounding as delusional as Desh.
And that is the bottom line....its not that the Pat. Act itself is bad, its that its being used by a corrupt administration for things it was not meant to be used for.

Uhhhh no. It's bad. Easily one of the worst bills ever passed in the history of our nation.
Please, both administrations used it to listen in on US citizens. Let's not pretend that the Patriot Act was used in benign ways when Bush was president. Now you are sounding as delusional as Desh.

you don't seem to be sticking to the facts.

tracing traffic is NOT listening to conversations.

Under Bush they then did listen without warrants.

all the right here defended it
Give us an all dem government like the people have wanted for decades and we will see which party improves America.

we would have never had a patriot act if Bush had not stolen the elctions in 2000 by keeping black people from voting

we've already had decades of that during the 20th Century.....