Some JPP leftists have egg on their faces

I am not the one claiming he is going to cave.

I am owning the shut down. I love the shut down.

Country is running just fine. Nobody is being impacted.

Not one person on JPP can admit to being directly impacted by the shut down. I think some nimrod said they couldn't go to a national park as if that is the end of the world.

There is zero impact AFAIK. Schumer can keep it shut down.
Poor rightys have to find a way to blame someone other than Trump for the shutdown. The one he said he would be proud to do and he would not blame Schumer and the Dems. Then he lied and they were forced to change too. Criticizing Daffy is not permitted.
The shutdown was averted. The house, Senate and Trump agreed to the CR that would have kept it open til Feb. Then under pressure from Colter, Limburger and other rightys, he changed his alleged mind.
This is Trump's shutdown, one that did not have to happen. It was settled.

I don’t care who shut it down. I love the shut down. Keep it going

You guys want it open

Tell your side to cave
Do you even realize that your post contradicts itself?

You start out saying he will concede then you go on to say he will compromise with the democrats and eventually get his $5 billion for the wall. You think that is a win for the democrats?

If the democrats really want DACA for the wall, then why didn't they offer that weeks ago?

Just something for you to think about, up until this point you and your ilk have been 100% wrong about the shutdown. Just sayin

Not a contradiction, hardly, the last thing Trump would want to do is resolve the DACA issue, would really piss off the demogogues and thus his base. And at this point, it will be more than just DACA

Ah perhaps because they couldn't introduce it, remember the GOP owned Congress then, what they did agree upon then, and what Trump might have to eat eventually, is keeping the Gov't open in the short term while continuation of separate discussions over his stupid Wall, in other words the same bill Pelosi passed yesterday and the GOP agreed to a month ago
There is zero impact AFAIK. Schumer can keep it shut down.

Yeah, laying off nearly half million people and not paying another near half of million working just sets a standard every employer should aim toward. If a private industry did that Trump would be labeling them unAmerican

Wait till the TSA personnel and border patrol start calling in sick and then lets see if you think it will have an impact
Yeah, laying off nearly half million people and not paying another near half of million working just sets a standard every employer should aim toward. If a private industry did that Trump would be labeling them unAmerican Wait till the TSA personnel and border patrol start calling in sick and then lets see if you think it will have an impact

Did you protest when Obama shut down the government in 2013, anchovies?

Didn't think so.
Did you protest when Obama shut down the government in 2013, anchovies?

Didn't think so.

Even with the predictable "whataboutism" the Trumpkins still can't deflect their way out, now show us where Obama said "I will take the mantle of shutting it down. I will shut it down," or that he would be "proud to shut it down"

Should we wait?
Even with the predictable "whataboutism" the Trumpkins still can't deflect their way out, now show us where Obama said "I will take the mantle of shutting it down. I will shut it down," or that he would be "proud to shut it down" Should we wait?

So you were silent when Obama shut the government down, but pretend to care when Schumer did it.
So you were silent when Obama shut the government down, but pretend to care when Schumer did it.

As I just showed you, Obama didn't do, nor did Schumer, that honor belongs to Trump, and Trump alone, and he even admitted it, "I will take the mantle for shutting it down. I will shit it done, proud to shut it down."
As I just showed you, Obama didn't do, nor did Schumer, that honor belongs to Trump, and Trump alone, and he even admitted it, "I will take the mantle for shutting it down. I will shit it done, proud to shut it down."

Obama did it, and Shutdown Schumer did it too.
As I just showed you, Obama didn't do, nor did Schumer, that honor belongs to Trump, and Trump alone, and he even admitted it, "I will take the mantle for shutting it down. I will shit it done, proud to shut it down."

he can take credit for the shutdown AFTER Congress sends him a bill to present, however, Schumer will have to have the credit, since no bill was sent to Trump......