Some tips for holiday giving con style

LOL! It's recommended for ages 14 and up.

I wanted to meet the 15 year old who is playing with a George W Bush doll so I can kick him in the nuts.!

LOL! It's recommended for ages 14 and up.

I wanted to meet the 15 year old who is playing with a George W Bush doll so I can kick him in the nuts.

are you cippie or what..what does this have to do with what anyone has said on this thread?????????????/ weird justy plain weird...!
are you cippie or what..what does this have to do with what anyone has said on this thread?????????????/ weird justy plain weird...!

I was responding to the link in the first post desh made on this thread.

Of course of I don't read your posts. I'm not permanently drunk so I would have not the slightest clue how to interpret your illogical babblings.
You are weird dude...........

I was responding to the link in the first post desh made on this thread.

Of course of I don't read your posts. I'm not permanently drunk so I would have not the slightest clue how to interpret your illogical babblings.

Get a grip on what you are posting...strange to say the least!
Honestly dude you are fucking strange.

I responded to desh. Not you. Desh. Not you. Get that through your head.

I didn't read your posts, almost never read your posts, and probably won't read 99.9% of your posts in the future.

I think you're a balding, would-be tough guy with a tiny cock who tries to compensate by talking to shit to a bunch of anonymous people on the internet.

I am not. And I don't give two fucks what you have to say. I came here to debate people of intelligence equal to or greater than my own and you DEFINITELY do not meet those criterion.

Put me on IA or something if you want. I do not read your posts. Period. On the rare times I skim through them I feel my IQ dropping and after reading a particularly long one I feel slightly drunk.

You are not a debater worthy of engaging me, so please stop trying.
June was a dude.................?


June was a dude. You are a moron and possibly a homosexual.

That is all.

and are you referring to the post by desh...the calendar..if this was a gay calendar I was not aware of this...the butt did look like a girl...but hey I could be wrong..I am not weird...i only post that which is real and factual...are you claiming to be desh now... gay boy? This should be intereseting to say the least...maybe darla also..who knows in todays world!Maybe I need a new rx for my reading glasses...maybe that would boy!

Reread the site for yourself you blind old drunk. The name of the month is posted BELOW the picture for the month. June... is a fucking dude. I can't make it any clearer to you.

Jesus Christ... you are a living argument for mandatory euthanasia at 60.

How do you even remember to breathe?
I kinda liked the June on the calendar picture..I hate cats but hey that cat knew where the action was...cute butt!:cof1:

You liked Mr. June's ass too? :clink: Me too!


Do you think Mr. Tennis June buttcrack is topspin? :confused:

