Some want 1st Amendment Rights G-O-N-E!

You have lost all your marbles.
Folks, this answer is why I always claim the victory, Libs are easy to defeet in the arena of ideas. Rush Limbaugh is the absolute master at cyber skewering Libs, he turns their butts everyway butt lose at will. I consider myself a direct disciple of the MahaRushy, and that is why I claim these victories. The Froggy here basically gave up and then unwittingly gave in with this lame reply. She/He tries to keep up, but things have whizzed by her/him over the years, especially me. I hate to use the term "passé", butt if the shoe fits.......Onward and Upward...."Veni, vidi, vici"
Folks, this answer is why I always claim the victory, Libs are easy to defeet in the arena of ideas. Rush Limbaugh is the absolute master at cyber skewering Libs, he turns their butts everyway butt lose at will. I consider myself a direct disciple of the MahaRushy, and that is why I claim these victories. The Froggy here basically gave up and then unwittingly gave in with this lame reply. She/He tries to keep up, but things have whizzed by her/him over the years, especially me. I hate to use the term "passé", butt if the shoe fits.......Onward and Upward...."Veni, vidi, vici"

You can't debate stupidity. Your posts are full of personal opinions, not facts.

Well, right here you had the chance to condemn what he said, but you instead chose to castigate me...which speaks volumes about you as a person.
You can't debate stupidity. Your posts are full of personal opinions, not facts.
Folks, Rana's post reply was within 2 minutes of my original post reply to her, doesn't that tell something about Rana? Rana needed at least two minutes to write her babble, so Rana must be basically running around and stalking my every post, I mean this is a big forum? Rana, I am leaving you now, so you can get some rest, and go ahead and count what's left of your Palin subsidy check, you Libs like to spend money like there is no tomorrow. I am flattered that you were on me like ham on rye, butt enough already, take a break. You are starting to be like Zappy, who you have weakly tried to defend for posting that "stupit" post of his, two peas in a "pot". Zappy used to "stalk" me also, and you have seen what that has done to his psyche, didn't you, his posts have become delusional, at best?
Actually I haven’t a clue who the person is, but whoever he is, I’ll defend to my death his FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to express his opinion, don’t you? Then there’s Rachael Maddow and Ed Morrissey who I’m sure you’re well aware of on MSNBC who I also will defend to my death their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to express their opinions also, how about you?

Just so you’ll better get my point, you should also know that I’ll oppose to my death all politicians and their legislation that violates any and all of the Constitution, how about you?

I’ll defend to my death her FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to express her opinion, won’t you?

Ann Coulter is a rightwing nut-job and has never written a piece of legislation in her life. I wouldn’t vote for her for any seat in government. Rachael Maddow and Ed Morrissey are leftwing nut-jobs, I wouldn’t vote for either of them for any seat in government either. However, I respect all of their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS to express their opinions, don’t you?

Of course I do...but that doesn't mean the inherent stupidity of their statements shoudn't be highlighted for all to learn from.

We've got gun nuts on here who worship at the altar of the almighty gun, I just want to see if they will be as vocal when a potential threat to the amendment that comes FIRST arises...and so far, the answer is a resounding NO...Rightie gun nuts don't appear to be as concerned with anyone infringing on their 1st amendment rights, as long as the Government leaves their surrogate penises alone.
I have been ordered by the Queen Bee, not to utter his/her name again under orders of possible dismemberment, no pun intended. But since you brought this "subject" up again, the name that I am forced to use here will be "The Blank One"(LOL), no pun intended. Yes, I did on many occasions turn "The Blank One" everyway "butt" loose and you were there to view the "affair", no pun intended. You sure cannot tell this Forum that "The Blank One" defeeted me? If you do, then you are in the same boat as Zappy is with his post and his hallucinations. The only brilliant thing that "The Blank One" ever did was successfully connive against me just one time, if you know what I mean. The "Blank One" must have spent every waking moment trying to best yours truly, butt in the end, "No-body puts SJJRSJJS in a corner" (Dirty Dancing). I am here and the "Blank One" is hiding in a hole somewhere, butt I know that the "Blank One" reads my every post just like before, so I win all the marbles, Capisce?

Told any good jokes about how easy it would be to rape a passing female lately, have ya SJ?

Good ol SJ thought it would be funny to joke with his buddies about how easy it would be for him to rape a woman coming out a of bar one night...why he thought it would be a good idea to tell everyone on the AOL boards that particular fact is still a mystery.

Always just the epitome of class, just like many of the other conservative posters here...he'll fit right in!
Told any good jokes about how easy it would be to rape a passing female lately, have ya SJ?

Good ol SJ thought it would be funny to joke with his buddies about how easy it would be for him to rape a woman coming out a of bar one night...why he thought it would be a good idea to tell everyone on the AOL boards that particular fact is still a mystery.

Always just the epitome of class, just like many of the other conservative posters here...he'll fit right in!

Yes, he did indeed do just that. He soon became wet as a just boiled Noodle.

Well of course Piers is full of shit...but hey, don't worry your tiny little head about the truth or anything so go right on making up some more of this petty bullshit to hide your butthurt.
Folks, Rana's post reply was within 2 minutes of my original post reply to her, doesn't that tell something about Rana? Rana needed at least two minutes to write her babble, so Rana must be basically running around and stalking my every post, I mean this is a big forum? Rana, I am leaving you now, so you can get some rest, and go ahead and count what's left of your Palin subsidy check, you Libs like to spend money like there is no tomorrow. I am flattered that you were on me like ham on rye, butt enough already, take a break. You are starting to be like Zappy, who you have weakly tried to defend for posting that "stupit" post of his, two peas in a "pot". Zappy used to "stalk" me also, and you have seen what that has done to his psyche, didn't you, his posts have become delusional, at best?

You continue to flatter yourself, lol, and you apparently are too ignorant to understand how a messageboard works.
you are the second to last person on this board to bitch about being castigated, seeing how you do it to nearly everybody NOT a liberal here.

Yeah...isn't it funny how those I don't "do it to" just happen to be the very same ones capable of honest, rational discourse.

Life is funny sometimes.
Yes, he did indeed do just that. He soon became wet as a just boiled Noodle.

In all the years I've spent on boards like this, and all the different people I have interacted with, SJJRSJJS's comment about how easy it would be to rape a woman still goes down as the single most repugnant and disturbing comment ever made.

Try as I might I have never been able to forget his sickening comments.
you are the second to last person on this board to bitch about being castigated, seeing how you do it to nearly everybody NOT a liberal here.

by the never did say whether or not YOU think you did anything wrong:

If my stepson illegally sells my gun to a prohibited person, without my knowledge, should that make me liable for any criminal act done with that weapon????

Did you ever finish that reno you used to avoid answering my question or did you find some other excuse to keep you from answering?
In all the years I've spent on boards like this, and all the different people I have interacted with, SJJRSJJS's comment about how easy it would be to rape a woman still goes down as the single most repugnant and disturbing comment ever made.

Try as I might I have never been able to forget his sickening comments.

I remember how he made it worse by his defense of the comment.
In all the years I've spent on boards like this, and all the different people I have interacted with, SJJRSJJS's comment about how easy it would be to rape a woman still goes down as the single most repugnant and disturbing comment ever made.

Try as I might I have never been able to forget his sickening comments.

You never read maineman's story of Yurt's daughter? Oh that's right he's a fellow lib.