Someone Has No Clue What The Word "Woman" Means

Bruce really liked being the center of attention when he was a great athlete. That waned after a while, he was too old to compete so he had to do something to get back in the spotlight that he so obviously adores. Back in the day we'd just call him a sissy boy and that would be the end of it. But the liberal culture is always looking to push the envelope of acceptable behavior, and this is the end result.
So is an adult with the body of a woman, but the genes of a man, a woman or a man? This happens in nature more often than most know.

Genes are what decide gender. Genitals, etc form long after the sexual genetic makeup is formed.
Yes. This is the way of LesionTroll.

I'm quite sure that the OP has never been touched by a woman that he was not genetically related to or didn't have to pay money for.

I guess Legion is at fault for using Anonymous so much you'd never know the differences. Is this the real Legion? Since he uses it to be a weenie troll he can deal with whatever comes his way from it.
Genes are what decide gender. Genitals, etc form long after the sexual genetic makeup is formed.

Something like one in 10,000 people have bodies that do not match their genes, and most do not know it. They could have the body of one gender, and the genes of another. I know it is counterintuitive, but it makes sense for them to use the bathroom of their body's gender.