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And all this time I thought it was Chef-Boy-Ar-De!
That's what you get for trying to think.
It's the Capt. Morgan Rum caricature.
And all this time I thought it was Chef-Boy-Ar-De!
Belief in conspiracy theories is a mental defect. Drummie has it, I don't. Next?
The smarter Leftist egg heads normally look down their noses at those lower on the IQ ladder and seldom bother to associate with low brows.
But the media created a way for you folks to give each other what you both want and need.
The media got you to help get Trump out of the White House by bashing him 24/7 and without really understanding the details or knowing the complete facts of your bashings, (just saying them is enough) they pat you on the head like good dogs for simply bashing Trump night and day.
You get the approval you never would have gotten for doing something your 'betters' find useful.
And some of you are addicted to that little buzz of approval because you never do anything worthy of commendation in your regular life.
Without Trump to bash, you all would lead loser lives of not-so-quiet desperation trying to earn compliments without any real talent or ability to do anything worthy of acclaim.
With Trump, by just bashing him, you feel like you are part of the elitist's world, even though you are just their dogs, their mutts, their bitches.
You don't care because that's the best you can do and if it wasn't for Trump you would never be praised or admired for anything, no matter that your bashing is anti-American.
It doesn't matter to dumb dogs like you.
Didn't read! My Dad taught me- NEVER ARGUE WITH A FOOL! SORRY!
The Left will cause Government of the people, by the people, for the people, to perish from the Earth.
Trump is mankind's last hope to preserve Liberty.
Yes, something is wrong and we all know what it is- It is called TRUMPTARDATION!
Apes and monkeys.
You guys always reveal what you really are waay down inside.
You are an ape.
And your simian partner is a monkey.
That's a good one
You are an American, huh?