No, consrule is being erased. He's really Sotr AKA Memorygal and he'll soon be in real prison and not just Internet prison.
He and STY are close. IMO, STY is a recruiter who has been in contact with both AHZ (face-to-face) and at least via PM with SotR.
Note the age differences. The older ones usually aren't stupid enough to get their asses in prison. They're quiet and operate in the background. The stupid ones are out front...with the exception of a terrorist attack team like at the Insurrection.
Young idiots like AHZ and SotR are ripe for recruiting them to be groomed and set in motion for some dumbass attack as we've seen already with rogues being stopped. Kyle is a good example. IMO, he was the lamb staked out as bait by his militia...and he was too fucking stupid to realize it.
Expect one or both of these idiots to suddenly disappear from JPP coincidentally with the news of some dumbass being arrested with weapons and explosives, blowing themselves up in a trailer home trying to assemble an IED or shooting a liberal holding a protest sign.
Wait, STY, you mean smarter-than-you? Is recruiting people here? Like a militia thing?