
Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty
Just to keep myself up to date on the current epidemic....

1) How many people have died from the Avian Flu now?

2) While we are at it... how about SARS?

I don't think any in this country, but I'm not sure about worldwide? I always thought the whole thing was a totally overblown fearmongering tool.
Just to keep myself up to date on the current epidemic....

1) How many people have died from the Avian Flu now?

2) While we are at it... how about SARS?


Only a few hundred worldwide, if memory serves.

This was a classic example of the mainstream media totally exaggerating what scientists were actually saying. From what I've read, scientists never predicted an actual or imminent epidemic. Scientists are very careful in limiting what they say, to what can be supported by the data. The medical science suggests that avian flu could be a major potential problem, if the virus was ever able to mutate. Right now, genetically it can mostly only affect animals - or primarily, fowl. But virus mutation is a fact of life, and its something we really need to keep an eye on.

So, its a potential major problem, but the media took that and ran with it, making unsubstantiated claims of an imminent epidemic.
Interesting point. Here's an article from today's news:

It highlights the pitfalls and false sense of security that people might feel if they start wearing these masks to protect themselves or others against a flu pandemic.

It would be great to use the same principles (phosphorous highlights) that are used in radiation safety training films, just to illustrate how easily a virus could thoughtlessly be spread.

BTW, how are you doing, Jarod?
Umm a few thousand turkeys was killed in VA not long ago because of the avian flu, but it was said not to be the kind humans get. I posted it on here.

It is here just not mutated into the dangerous to humans form yet. Have patience.
Umm a few thousand turkeys was killed in VA not long ago because of the avian flu, but it was said not to be the kind humans get. I posted it on here.

It is here just not mutated into the dangerous to humans form yet. Have patience.
LOL. Be afraid, it just hasn't done it yet.
I am not afraid, but just because it has not happened yet does not mean it won't happen.
Remember I was right about how Iraq would turn out, and was ridiculed for it at the time and up until about 1 year ago.....
It may be that the human variety of avian flu will not hit here, but the odds are it will.
I always have several rolls of duct tape around anyway. Never know when I might have to bind up a love rival or mad astronut ;)
I'm not ridiculing you, I am pointing out that many posts have been spent lately talking about how the government wants people to be afraid. They do this by giving us stuff like this to worry about. Propogating it when there really isn't much we personally can do about it really is just more of that.

So far today, we have bees dying, we have bird flu, we have people reporting that gluten was contaminated so we should fear our refrigerators....

At least that one we can do something about. Only purchase food that was raised locally and you know the source of feed wasn't from the contaminated gluten. I'd suggest local bread, pasta, etc. Don't buy packaged food that is likely to contain processed gluten.
"I'd suggest local bread, pasta, etc. Don't buy packaged food that is likely to contain processed gluten."

Wow, China is kicking our ass and now we suddenly have a reason to buy American. Imagine that. :D

I think the scientists were every bit as responsible for the "epidemic" scare. I wonder what could have possessed them to partake... couldn't be all the money that was subsequently pumped into the research of the "deadly" virus or anything....

Oh, I see now what the point of the post was: to make a claim that scientists engaged in mass hysteria. That would be a convenient assertion, cause then you could tie it into global warming science. :)

Unfortunately, I can't concern myself with what you or anybody else "thinks" they scientists may have said. I've actually gone to the World Health Organization website, and read what scientists and doctors wrote: they never prediicted aimminent outbrak of avian flu among humans. They were very careful and judicious in saying that it's a potentia problem, IF the virus is able to mutate into a form that can infect humans, but that the current mutation of the virun is only genetically pre-disposed to infect fowl, or orther animals.

Oh, I see now what the point of the post was: to make a claim that scientists engaged in mass hysteria. That would be a convenient assertion, cause then you could tie it into global warming science. :)

Unfortunately, I can't concern myself with what you or anybody else "thinks" they scientists may have said. I've actually gone to the World Health Organization website, and read what scientists and doctors wrote: they never prediicted aimminent outbrak of avian flu among humans. They were very careful and judicious in saying that it's a potentia problem, IF the virus is able to mutate into a form that can infect humans, but that the current mutation of the virun is only genetically pre-disposed to infect fowl, or orther animals.

That was a media-driven scare. Didn't bush bring it up for a while?
I think bush entered into the scare as well.

Didn't he and congress enter into making vaccine for it as well ?
I think bush entered into the scare as well.

Didn't he and congress enter into making vaccine for it as well ?

I seem to remember him being a big part of the "BIRD FLU SCARE". I don't remember the details, but I remember thinking, nice way to try and change the subject mr. dogshit.
"Oh, I see now what the point of the post was: to make a claim that scientists engaged in mass hysteria. " they are responsible in my opinion for... not coming out and calming the irrational response to their reports. I think the reason for that is they started hearing about all the money that was about to be tossed their way and they said... hmmmmm.....

No question that the media as always overhyped this. As did the politicians in both parties.