
Cypress... by the way... the thread was started to rip on the idiot politicians who overhyped this shit. YOU brought the scientists into the discussion. Ya crazy lib bastard....;)
And our current administration has had nothing to do with spinning the scientists results for political ends ? such as to distract from the war or gain support by embracing the flu hysteria ?
"And our current administration has had nothing to do with spinning the scientists results for political ends ? such as to distract from the war or gain support by embracing the flu hysteria ?"

US... what part of "No question that the media as always overhyped this. As did the politicians in both parties." did you not comprehend. Senility setting in?
"And our current administration has had nothing to do with spinning the scientists results for political ends ? such as to distract from the war or gain support by embracing the flu hysteria ?"

US... what part of "No question that the media as always overhyped this. As did the politicians in both parties." did you not comprehend. Senility setting in?

Umm look at the time of those two posts....

And I am a slow old typer.
"Oh, I see now what the point of the post was: to make a claim that scientists engaged in mass hysteria. " they are responsible in my opinion for... not coming out and calming the irrational response to their reports. I think the reason for that is they started hearing about all the money that was about to be tossed their way and they said... hmmmmm.....

No question that the media as always overhyped this. As did the politicians in both parties. they are responsible in my opinion for... not coming out and calming the irrational response to their reports

Scientists and doctors don't get invited on Fox news or MSNBC often.

The world's foremost health organization - WHO - was quite clear and judicious in their assessment of the risk.

If Fox New or MSNBC want to go crazy, and run around like chickens with their heads cut off, there's a limited amount the scientists can do to counter that. They get paid to do research. Not to try to run around and attempt to book time on the O'Reilly show.

Oh, and for you crazy lib bastard comment...I adore crazy lib women ;)
If you were to put out a report that said "AIDS can be spread through sexual contact" and I in turn came out and said... "Cypress's report says if you have sex, you will get AIDS"... would you not feel inclined to let the public know I am full of shit?