sopranos end

Tony dies.

I was reading the HBO forms on the Sopranos, and one of the posters there hit it on the head.

Tony and Bobby in the boat, Bobby says something to the effect that when you get killed, you don't see it coming, you just go to black.

Tony flashes back to that scene at the end of the second to last episode as he's lying down in the safe house with his gun.

Final scene. Tony walks into the diner, it shows his face, then his point of view. He puts on the song. The bell dings, it shows his face, then his point of view, ie Carmela walking into the cafe. The bell dings it shows his face, then his point of view again, AJ walking in. There's a lot of threes in this scene as well. 3 pictures in the background, three cokes, three onion rings, three clips of the ominous guy at the counter. Then it shows Meadow approaching the diner. The bell dings for the third time, it shows Tony's face, then everything goes black. He gets whacked.

What a freaking cool way to do it.
I like it precisely because there's absolutely no way to pin a definitive interpretation on it. He really has left it up to our imaginations, and he's steadfastly refusing to elaborate.

I read the same analysis as Beefy -- it was reprinted in the San Francisco Chronicle -- but don't personally find it convincing. I think it's more likely that Tony would, if the series continued, end up in prison.

I liked the ending before, but your assessment made me like it even better.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that this was the perfect way to end the series. So much symbolism and foreshadowing, and then "Dont Stop" and black. Shiver me timbers, I like this David Chase.

I like it precisely because there's absolutely no way to pin a definitive interpretation on it. He really has left it up to our imaginations, and he's steadfastly refusing to elaborate.

I read the same analysis as Beefy -- it was reprinted in the San Francisco Chronicle -- but don't personally find it convincing. I think it's more likely that Tony would, if the series continued, end up in prison.


All the elements are there for a whacking, and that's part of the brilliance of it. It down't show it. It does leave it open, and I say he gets whacked. That's the final word old pal.
Going to dredge this up as I just finished the series on DVD. I ain't paying for HBO.

He flashes back to the scene on the boat because that's were he got the gun (AR-10) he was carrying and they mention the gun in the flashback. May, well have been for that dual purpose.

I would be happy to think he got killed, so long as his family made it out. He deserved it.
Further, I thought the whole series was outstanding. The final season wraps up nicely the notion that was created from the very beginning that Tony is just like anybody else, trying to make a living, he has issues with his wife, kids, mommy, hurts and feelings, waaa... waaa... waaa... he just happens to be in the mob. Mobsters are no different than the rest of us is the way it started.

BS. He's a sociopath, a scumbag and the world would be better off without him.
Please tell me more

One of my favorite scenes. It ends rather bad for Christopher.

<[ame=""]YouTube - Christophers Intervention[/ame]
I always liked the eternally conflicted Carmella. Always concerned about projecting the ideal of respectable mother and Catholic, while her husband is out robbing, pillaging and philandering.
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