1960s Chick Magnet
Good job, guys. You're not stepping on my toes.
We need immigrants to replace the trumpanzees. The time of the mutants is coming to an end.
David and Charles Koch became a colossal political force in recent decades. Since the 1970s, they personally donated at least $100 million to aid the rise of the Tea Party movement and bolster the Republican Party
poor ole China Joe keeps whining about George Soros freaks are out of ammo!
meanwhile David and Charles Koch became a colossal political force in recent decades. Since the 1970s, they personally donated at least $100 million to aid the rise of the Tea Party movement and bolster the Republican Party
Good job, guys. You're not stepping on my toes.
We need immigrants to replace the trumpanzees. The time of the mutants is coming to an end.
Soros has spent far more than that on his own, and lots of others have joined him in spending on projects intended to harm America.
really? let's see the evidence
If you dont know that Soros has spent over his lifetime billions to promote his politics you should launch an investigation.
The Republican Party reeks of desperation. Americans have a 70% approval of this administration, which is a total disaster for the GOP. The answer- throw as much shit against the wall and hope something sticks.
Good job, guys. You're not stepping on my toes.
We need immigrants to replace the trumpanzees. The time of the mutants is coming to an end.
“Soros,” ain’t seen “Soros” in some time, it’s been all Antifa and BLM for months if not years, “deep state” before that, now we’ve regurgitated “Soros,” beautiful.
It is as if the wingers have a closet of handy bogeymen they can pull off the shelf and employ, when does Sharpton get dusted off, got to be guaranteed to arrive if Harris succeeds Biden
Yup. All those uneducated non-English speaking disease carrying freeloaders who'll vote Democrat just as soon as Biden gives them citizenship simply because they crossed our borders illegally.
Fuck those who go through the legal channels, learn our language and have the responsibility to support themselves and become LEGAL Americans. The "mutants" aren't coming to an end? Over
100,000 crossed our borders illegally last month alone, and thousands and thousands are on their way. Way to go Joe, get those illegals processed as soon as possible so they can vote.
Yup. All those uneducated non-English speaking disease carrying freeloaders who'll vote Democrat just as soon as Biden gives them citizenship simply because they crossed our borders illegally.
Fuck those who go through the legal channels, learn our language and have the responsibility to support themselves and become LEGAL Americans. The "mutants" aren't coming to an end? Over
100,000 crossed our borders illegally last month alone, and thousands and thousands are on their way. Way to go Joe, get those illegals processed as soon as possible so they can vote.
I wish that crusty socialist would kick off already! World will be a much better place minus that scum bag!
We didn't adopt any of the indigenous American languages, Arby.
We don't have a language of our own to speak.
We borrow England's language, so there's no language of our own for any immigrants to learn.
No refugee can be a bigger anchor around America's neck that a trampanzee. Trumnpanzees are racists, misogynists, xenophobes, religious bigots, anti-intellectuals, totally clueless about hygiene, and now, on top of it all, they're insurrectionists.
To not strip trumpanzees of any political influence whatsoever is quintessentially anti-American, and if immigrant refugees can help do that, they'll be among our nation's greatest heroes.
Trump supporters are a disease that exists to trample decency.
The human mind cannot conceive an end sufficiently agonizing and ignominious for trumpanzees.
They comprise the most heinous infection to ever plague this planet.
crouching cracka barking goyim
I kept seeing that title many times. Wouldn't click on it until I just finally decided to do it.
Yep I was right.
Koch isn’t happy with the January 6th insurrection. He may not contribute to Trumpuboicans in 2022.poor ole China Joe keeps whining about George Soros freaks are out of ammo!
meanwhile David and Charles Koch became a colossal political force in recent decades. Since the 1970s, they personally donated at least $100 million to aid the rise of the Tea Party movement and bolster the Republican Party