Soros has been destroying American jurisprudence for years


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Though the right to a jury trial is enshrined in the Bill of Rights and Constitution, it’s hardly ever enforced.

Today, jury trials are rare.

More than 95% of criminal convictions come from guilty pleas, meaning that criminal jury trials, though constitutionally prescribed, seldom happen.

The Supreme Court noted in Lafler v. Cooper (2012) that “criminal justice today is for the most part a system of pleas, not a system of trials.”

That imperils Americans’ constitutional rights by exposing them to coercive pressure to plead guilty, along with other forms of police and prosecutorial abuse that regularly produce false convictions.

In particular, coercive plea bargaining artificially lowers the cost of obtaining a criminal conviction.

Prosecutors can induce defendants to plead guilty by bringing more—and more-serious—charges than are truly warranted, particularly when combined with pretrial detention.

Many charges would implode spectacularly if tested in the crucible of an adversarial proceeding, and plea bargains protect prosecutors from having to go through the hard, constitutionally mandated work of building a case for guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

This vastly increases the number of prosecutions the government can pursue.

Potential reforms include capping how much prosecutors can offer to lower charges in plea bargains; creating watchdogs inside and outside the justice system to scrutinize the validity of a guilty plea before a conviction is entered, and preventing the government from unilaterally convicting those it has accused of crimes.

Then there’s the horrifying reality that innocent people are sometimes pressured into pleading guilty to crimes. While it is impossible to say exactly how often this happens, scholars place it between 1.6% and 8% of all felony convictions.

Ordinary citizens should get to make the call about who deserves to be punished.
The centuries-old history of Jewish “puppet master” conspiracy theories

The alleged Pittsburgh synagogue shooter thought George Soros was controlling the world economy. Here’s the anti-Semitic history of that far-right narrative.

As Media Matters researcher Talia Lavin told Vox earlier this week, the narrative of “white genocide” — the destabilization and marginalization of white people in Europe — is historically inextricable from the conspiracy narrative of the Jew as “puppet master.” This figure is supposedly both secretly, insidiously in charge of the economic and political world order, and deeply committed ideologically to destabilizing ethnic and national identities.

Soros is an incredibly wealthy Jewish man who has made no secret of his liberal political affiliations. He’s become a convenient symbol for anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. But he’s far from the first one — and unlikely to be the last.

The conspiracy theories against Soros, and the insidious idea of the “Jewish puppet master” more generally, are part of a much broader rhetoric of hate, one that has fomented amid populist anxieties about urbanization, industrialization, and capitalism for centuries.
He helped Krasner become Philly’s DA.


Oct. 25th, 2019

Billionaire George Soros is back in Pa. with $1M, this time to get a Delco DEMOCRAT elected.

Soros is back in Pennsylvania politics with a new $1 million investment, and $100,000 of that is being spent in support of another Democrat seeking to become a district attorney — Jack Stollsteimer in Delaware County.

The billionaire and his team are using a scaled-back version of the same playbook they used two years ago to help Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner win a seven-candidate DEMOCRAT primary, spending $1.7 million on pro-Krasner television ads via an independent political action committee.

Those themes are evocative of Krasner’s 2017 bid in Philadelphia, and of other campaigns for district attorney that Soros has backed around the country.

The same Soros associates who ran the Krasner efforts in 2017 filed on May 2 with the Pennsylvania Department of State to create a new entity, Pennsylvania Justice and Public Safety PAC.

Soros gave the PAC $1 million in July, according to a campaign finance report.
Grants show Soros bankrolls dark money hub for activists pushing to dismantle police


George Soros has poured millions of dollars into a dark money hub used by far-left activists pushing to dismantle the police, grants show.

The Foundation to Promote Open Society, a nonprofit in Soros' network, pushed $3 million to the Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability (CRH) in 2020, according to a search of the Open Society Foundations' grant database.

CRH is a clearinghouse of resources for local progressive activists on how to abolish and defund the police. The hub sits under the umbrella of the most prominent dark money network in the U.S., tax forms show.

Soros' nonprofit previously sent $1.5 million to the resource center in 2019. Of that, $500,000 went toward establishing the hub, tax forms show.

Soros' funding of CRH is yet another instance showing how his cash funds efforts to reshape the justice system. For years, Soros has showered district attorney races with money.

Several far-left groups contribute materials, including No Cop Academy, Cops Off Campus Coalition and The Digital Abolitionist, all of which provide resources marked under its "abolitionist" tab.

Its website further shows that CRH directly works on projects concerning police defunding. The hub "houses and staffs" the website in partnership with several national movement organizations.

According to the Soros group's tax forms, CRH is a fiscally sponsored project of the New Venture Fund, a nonprofit incubator managed by the Washington, D.C.-based consulting firm Arabella Advisors.

The New Venture Fund provides its tax and legal status to groups it houses, meaning that projects under its umbrella do not have to file tax forms to the IRS that would show information such as board members and financial information.

The New Venture Fund raked in $965 million in anonymous donations in 2020.

It is one of four funds Arabella Advisors manages, along with the Sixteen Thirty Fund, Windward Fund and Hopewell Fund.

The four funds in the Arabella-managed dark money network pulled in a combined $1.6 billion in secret donations last year, tax forms show.

But while none of the funds disclose donors on their tax forms, Soros' nonprofit states the cash is going to the New Venture Fund to be passed off to the CRH.

Soros has blood on his hands.

The crime wave sweeping across the country is the direct result of a years-long campaign by George Soros to bankroll the election of far-left district attorneys committed to undermining law and order.

Over the past six years or so, Soros has poured tens of millions of dollars into the campaigns of DA candidates from coast to coast, achieving a remarkable degree of success by simply overwhelming all the other candidates.

Whereas normal DA candidates typically run on five-figure budgets, Soros-backed DA candidates routinely enjoy seven-figure war chests.

Soros is able to do this because federal campaign-finance limitations do not apply to local races.

Many states have adopted their own laws capping the amounts that individuals and/or political action committees can contribute to candidates, but those laws are often riddled with loopholes.

In some cases, the limits only apply to statewide races. In other cases, Soros can circumvent individual contribution limits by funneling money through the PACs he has set up for this purpose, which generally go by the ironic name of “Safety and Justice.”

The Soros approach shocked the entire country recently when the soft-on-crime policies of one of his prosecutors led directly to the massacre of innocent parade-goers — including children and elderly grandmothers — in Waukesha, Wis.

The reason Soros has spent so much money on races that used to be relatively obscure, local affairs is straightforward.

Just as Barack Obama seized upon the notion of “prosecutorial discretion” to grant de facto amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants after failing to get amnesty passed by Congress, Soros recognizes that local prosecutors can exercise the same discretion to selectively enforce laws.

Rather than spending tens of millions of dollars per state on numerous higher-profile races for state lawmakers, he can spend comparatively smaller amounts on DA races knowing that the outcome will determine how — and even whether — laws are enforced.

It’s part of the Hungarian-born investor’s push of progressive policies around the world through his Open Society Foundations.

The candidates Soros backs are so unapologetically far left that they make Bernie Sanders sound like Richard Nixon.

Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner received $1,700,000 from Soros.

Chicago DA Kim Foxx, who treated Jussie Smollett with kid gloves after he concocted a wild story about a late-night assault, got a cool $2 million.

Kim Gardner, the St. Louis circuit attorney who prosecuted the McCloskeys for defending their property, also received backing from Soros.

Thanks to Soros, San Francisco’s DA is Chesa Boudin, the son of Weather Underground terrorists (and convicted murderers), who once served as a translator for Venezuela’s communist dictator Hugo Chavez.

Once in office, these prosecutors implement policies that are tailor-made to increase crime and reduce public safety.

They eliminate or significantly lower bail requirements, making it easier for criminals to get back out on the streets after being arrested.

They refuse to prosecute certain crimes, such as vagrancy, prostitution and public urination.

In recent years, they’ve even used the COVID pandemic as an excuse to release convicted criminals from prison, many of whom have gone on to re-offend.

In Philadelphia, homicides have more than doubled since Larry Krasner was elected DA in 2017, reaching an all-time high this year.

In Philadelphia, homicides have more than doubled since Larry Krasner was elected DA in 2017, reaching an all-time high this year.

how does his bail policies affect homicides, stupid fuck? good god, talk about connecting invisible dots.

it might pass the number of homicides in philly back in 1990, when papa bush was president, when 500 were killed, most by gunshot.

Nearly 500 people have been killed in Philadelphia in 2021, putting the city on pace to surpass the record for annual homicides in the coming days.

With nearly 3 weeks remaining in the year, the number of lives lost will likely exceed the 500 people who were killed in 1990.

Charles Koch is in the news after he shared lines from his newest book in a Wall Street Journal interview published Friday. He expressed regret for his role powering a conservative crusade that forever changed American politics.

"Boy, did we screw up! What a mess!" he wrote.

David and Charles Koch became a colossal political force in recent decades. Since the 1970s, they personally donated at least $100 million to aid the rise of the Tea Party movement and bolster the Republican Party, according to The New York Times.

Cook County, Ill. (Chicago), has recorded more than 1,000 homicides so far in 2021 — the most since 1994.

Cook County, Ill. (Chicago), has recorded more than 1,000 homicides so far in 2021 — the most since 1994.

the murders went down after clinton passed the assault gun ban and cops on the street funding, not only in chicago, but across the country. it is the only way to stop high murder rates, most victims know their killer and it is not related to any other crime. dumbfuck. cops cannot stop that kind of crime, only making it hard for any clown to have a gun might. chicago's last restrictive gun law was repealed in 2014, and the murder rate has skyrocketed since then.
the murders went down after clinton passed the assault gun ban and cops on the street funding, not only in chicago, but across the country. it is the only way to stop high murder rates, most victims know their killer and it is not related to any other crime. dumbfuck. cops cannot stop that kind of crime, only making it hard for any clown to have a gun might. chicago's last restrictive gun law was repealed in 2014, and the murder rate has skyrocketed since then.

So you say.