Soros has been destroying American jurisprudence for years

We tend to get fixated on individual this deeply into this Dark Age, but the things to remember about Soros is.

1) he funds so many people, he has so much power

2) there are many like him, and they agree on most things, they are effectively working together regardless of how much they talk and coordinate.

3) He is sure that he is an awesome person, that is how bad of a person he is.

The recent Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha and the Waukesha Christmas parade massacre by career felon Darrell Brooks Jr. have brought deserved criticism to two Soros-backed Wisconsin district attorney’s offices.

But a greater threat to our criminal justice system is the increasing election of Soros-funded rogue district attorneys, or “un-D.A.s,” who coddle the offender and ignore the victim.

By tradition, district attorneys are vigorous prosecutors, like Fresno County’s Lisa Smittcamp and Madera County’s Sally Moreno.

District attorney candidates usually campaign as “tough on crime,” because that’s what the public wants — protection of their persons and property from criminal behavior.

But a new breed of rogue prosecutors, the un-D.A.s, defining themselves as “progressives,” with campaigns fueled by donations from George Soros, would radically change our justice system.

For states not yet targeted by this group, the California experience should serve as a warning.

During a weekly briefing last Monday, Philadelphia district attorney and prominent "progressive prosecutor" Larry Krasner sought to downplay the surge in violence his city has endured over the last two years.

"We don't have a crisis of lawlessness, we don't have a crisis of crime, we don't have a crisis of violence," Krasner said. "It's important that we don't let this become mushy and bleed into the notion that there is some kind of big spike in crime."

Those claims are at odds with the facts on the ground.

Philadelphia has seen over 500 homicides this year, the most in 60 years; shootings, which began surging last year, remain well above pre-2020 norms. As former mayor Michael Nutter (D.) put it in a blistering op-ed, "I'd like to ask Krasner: How many more Black and brown people, and others, would have to be gunned down in our streets daily to meet your definition of a ‘crisis'?"

Krasner's comments, though, typify a rhetorical approach adopted by prominent politicians, think tanks, and the media amid a record surge in homicides across the country.

Since murders began rising in the wake of last summer's anti-police protests, progressives have sought to discount or otherwise wave away the spike and conspicuously avoided discussing the role of the diminished criminal justice system.

Many have followed Krasner's approach, downplaying the surge as "just" a homicide spike.

In June, for example, the Guardian published a "factcheck" of the "‘crime wave’'narrative police are pushing," insisting that the increase was really only in murders and adding that "Americans overall are much less likely to be killed today than they were in the 1990s, and the homicide rate across big cities is still close to half what it was a quarter century ago."

A recent report from DEMOCRAT think tank Third Way similarly emphasized that "contrary to the media narrative, overall crime decreased in 2020 compared to 2019," only belatedly noting the record increase in homicides and gun violence.

Murders did surge in 2020, FBI data show, by roughly 30 percent, the highest one-year percentage increase on record. But so did aggravated assaults—a proxy for shootings—and carjackings.

Early evidence suggests that things worsened over 2021: Among nearly 90 cities tracked by the data firm AH Datalytics, roughly two-thirds have seen homicides continue to rise in 2021. At least 12 major cities have already hit all-time homicide records, including 5 that have tied or topped records set last year. As Manhattan Institute senior fellow (and my colleague) Rafael Mangual has documented, dozens of smaller cities have seen the same record surge in homicides. In many jurisdictions, things are as bad as they were in the 1990s. In fact, if trends continue, the AH Datalytics data suggest, 2021 will see the most big-city murders since 1995.

A host of factors are likely behind this spike, but a leading contender is the decrease in policing capacity, manpower, and morale following last summer's anti-police protests and riots in the wake of George Floyd. Many big cities experiencing big homicide spikes have also reported a dramatic drop-off in police staffing, as cops flee for less hostile employers in the suburbs. Court closures and a massive reduction in daily jail populations likely also contribute, further reducing the capacity of the criminal justice system to identify, detain, and prosecute serious offenders.

But political leaders, aided by the media, have downplayed or ignored the role of these changes.

In November, the failing New York Times cited "dozens of interviews" with "criminologists, city and state officials and people close to murder victims," all of whom "could not name a single, direct cause of the spike in homicides" except possibly "the continued destabilizing effects of the coronavirus pandemic."

Recent Washington Post coverage of rising homicides in D.C. gives the police unions a hearing but lets city officials get away with attributing the increase to illegal guns and pandemic interruptions.

Axios Chicago similarly linked the city's surge to illegal guns, a standard but dubious talking point of Chicago's various DEMOCRAT mayors.

Krasner's assertion that "it’s important that we don't let this become mushy and bleed into the notion that there is some kind of big spike in crime" represents a longstanding sense among progressives that tough-on-crime rhetoric, combined with an "if it bleeds it leads" ethos at major publications, contributes to public misconceptions about the crime level, in turn fueling political support for policing and incarceration. But a commitment to the obverse—depolicing and decarceration—seems to have encouraged leaders like Krasner to insist there is no reason to be worried, even when there is.
B-b-b-b-but G-george S-soros! Fucking hilarious!

I doubt the families of the Waukesha massacre victims are laughing, lizard lips.

Without Soros funding his election campaign, John Chisholm wouldn't have been in a position to recommend that Darrell Brooks be released on $1,000 bail for running over his baby mama with the same SUV he used to kill 6 and cripple 62 a short while later.
I doubt the families of the Waukesha massacre victims are laughing, lizard lips.

Without Soros funding his election campaign, John Chisholm wouldn't have been in a position to recommend that Darrell Brooks be released on $1,000 bail for running over his baby mama with the same SUV he used to kill 6 and cripple 62 a short while later.

there were hundreds of released felons before soros in this country who committed heinous crimes once released on bail or pardoned, and roughly the same amount today. you right wing fucks are just easily influenced low IQ, low info, bigots and droolers who repeat what fox says like retarded parrots.
The Only Good Soros Prosecutor Is a Defeated Soros Prosecutor


The criminal-justice system has become the criminal’s justice system in cities across America.

In recent years, radical left-wing lawyers, many supported by billionaire George Soros, have won elected office across America.

They have become district attorneys and state’s attorneys in many major American cities. These Soros prosecutors have betrayed the public trust and made our communities less safe.

Instead of fighting crime, they are abetting it.

Soros prosecutors are refusing to charge criminals for shoplifting, vagrancy, and entire categories of misdemeanors.

  • In Chicago, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx allows theft under $1,000 to go unpunished. In Manhattan, District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. refuses to enforce laws against prostitution.
  • In Baltimore, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby has unilaterally declared the war on drugs “over” and is refusing to criminally charge drug dealers and heroin addicts, in the middle of the worst drug crisis in American history.
  • Los Angeles DA George Gascon even stopped enforcing laws against disturbing the peace, resisting arrest, and making criminal threats.
  • In cities where they’ve taken office, progressive prosecutors coddle even violent, career criminals, often agreeing to sweetheart deals and routinely circumventing three-strikes laws.
  • The city of San Francisco, where Chesa Boudin is the district attorney, provides a tragic case study in what can happen as a result. Last year, a career criminal named Troy McAlister faced a well-deserved life sentence as a result of California’s three-strikes law. His long and violent rap sheet included multiple robberies, thefts, and an attempted carjacking. Instead of permanently taking this criminal off the streets, Chesa Boudin cut a deal with McAlister that resulted in his release. McAlister went on to commit a series of crimes leading to three separate arrests.

Boudin refused to charge him each time.
no, the shooter caused the parkland shooting, dumbass. read it again. do you really want a country where you can be jailed or institutionalized WITHOUT BREAKING ANY LAW?

The cops were called on him well over 12 times. He should have been institutionalized.
DEMOCRAT Sheriff Scott Israel said that his office received 23 calls about Cruz during the previous decade, but this figure is in dispute. CNN used a public records request to obtain a sheriff's office log, which showed that from 2008 to 2017, at least 45 calls were made in reference to Cruz, his brother, or the family home. On February 5, 2016, the calls included an anonymous tip that Cruz had threatened to shoot up the school, and a tip on November 30, 2017, that he might be a "school shooter in the making" and that he collected knives and guns. On September 23, 2016, a peer counselor notified the school resource officer of his suicide attempt and intent to buy a gun; the school indicated it would do a "threat assessment." Israel refused to resign in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, saying during an interview with CNN, "I’ve given amazing leadership to this agency" while denying responsibility for the actions of his deputies. This culminated in Governor Ron DeSantis removing Israel from his role as Sheriff.

Secret money shakes up Broward State Attorney race. And even billionaire George Soros has pitched in.

George Soros Funded PAC Backs Joe Kimok For Broward State Attorney

Broward county prosecutor candidate Joe Kimok has received at least $490,000 in campaign contributions from committees controlled by George Soros.



Thank You! :good4u:

That boy should have been in Chattahoochee!

It's the same Soros-sponsored Democrat soft on real crime approach to crazy people and criminals.
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In the city of San Francisco, where Chesa Boudin is the Soros-backed district attorney, provides a tragic case study in what can happen as a result.

Last year, a career criminal named Troy McAlister faced a well-deserved life sentence as a result of California’s three-strikes law. His long and violent rap sheet included multiple robberies, thefts, and an attempted carjacking.

Instead of permanently taking this criminal off the streets, Chesa Boudin cut a deal with McAlister that resulted in his release.

McAlister went on to commit a series of crimes leading to three separate arrests.

Boudin refused to charge him each time.

On New Year’s Eve last year, McAlister stole a car, robbed a bakery, and then ran over two women crossing the road.

One was a 60-year-old homeless woman named Elizabeth Platt. The other was a 27-year-old Japanese immigrant named Hanako Abe.

Both women died from their injuries.

Hanako, Elizabeth, and many other Americans have lost their lives because Chesa Boudin and Soros prosecutors like him refuse to do their job.