Sour Grapes

for what it's worth, sessions and sotomayor should be lucky to have even been considered for a seat since non lawyers have usually been better judges.
You're not being consistent here. You said

"Pot calling the kettle black" means when somebody points out a flaw that they share."

That is not the correct definition of the phrase, as I pointed out.

In other words, I used it in its correct context. You did not.

Mott, stop while your behind; because you're embarassing yourself.

You've just been pwnd by at least 3 posters.
Mott, stop while your behind; because you're embarassing yourself.

You've just been pwnd by at least 3 posters.
Oh please. Talk to the hand. You can't even read. None of the arguments have even addressed my point on Jeff Sessions astounding hypocricy in calling Sotomayor racially biased considering his past comments and record. Instead of addressing my point, they played hair splitting on the meaning of a colloqueal phrase and even then they were wrong.

Dude, when it comes to debate, you're a light weight. You've never, ever said anything of substance. You just sling mud and insults and have never expressed, that first time, an original thought. You just repeat what you hear on Foxnews and read on Newsmax.
None of the arguments have even addressed my point on Jeff Sessions astounding hypocricy in calling Sotomayor racially biased considering his past comments and record. .

if Sessions' past comments and record show racial bias, it is a logical conclusion that Sotomayor's show the same, neh?.......
if Sessions' past comments and record show racial bias, it is a logical conclusion that Sotomayor's show the same, neh?.......
No, it's not logical. It's possible or maybe probable but to be logical one must know the context in which both made such comments. I don't think that Sotomayors stating that her struggles as a Latina female gave her an empathy others might not have is equivalent to the blatantly racist comments Sessions has made in the past such as saying he thought the KKK was not so bad a group until he found out they smoked pot or calling the NAACP "Communist" or "That pinko organization."

In other words you're "opinon" that Sotomayors comments on empathy equate with racial bias is just that, an opinon.

There can be no doubt about the racial bigotry of Sessions comments. That's not an opinion.

Therefore to compare the two as equivalent would be very illogical.
No, it's not logical. It's possible or maybe probable but to be logical one must know the context in which both made such comments. I don't think that Sotomayors stating that her struggles as a Latina female gave her an empathy others might not have is equivalent to the blatantly racist comments Sessions has made in the past such as saying he thought the KKK was not so bad a group until he found out they smoked pot or calling the NAACP "Communist" or "That pinko organization."

In other words you're "opinon" that Sotomayors comments on empathy equate with racial bias is just that, an opinon.

There can be no doubt about the racial bigotry of Sessions comments. That's not an opinion.

Therefore to compare the two as equivalent would be very illogical.

Proper reading skills and comprehension is not a matter of opinion. Your critical thinking skills are highly degraded.
Oh please. Talk to the hand. You can't even read. None of the arguments have even addressed my point on Jeff Sessions astounding hypocricy in calling Sotomayor racially biased considering his past comments and record. Instead of addressing my point, they played hair splitting on the meaning of a colloqueal phrase and even then they were wrong.

Dude, when it comes to debate, you're a light weight. You've never, ever said anything of substance. You just sling mud and insults and have never expressed, that first time, an original thought. You just repeat what you hear on Foxnews and read on Newsmax.

Uh-Dude; this wasn't about me, it was about you being pwnd and you're not helping yourself at all.

But by all means, please continue. :lol:
No, it's not logical. It's possible or maybe probable but to be logical one must know the context in which both made such comments. I don't think that Sotomayors stating that her struggles as a Latina female gave her an empathy others might not have is equivalent to the blatantly racist comments Sessions has made in the past such as saying he thought the KKK was not so bad a group until he found out they smoked pot or calling the NAACP "Communist" or "That pinko organization."

In other words you're "opinon" that Sotomayors comments on empathy equate with racial bias is just that, an opinon.

There can be no doubt about the racial bigotry of Sessions comments. That's not an opinion.

Therefore to compare the two as equivalent would be very illogical.

so in essence, if it is MY opinion someone said something that is racist, it is irrelevant, but if it is YOUR opinion there can be no doubt.....I get it now, thanks.....
No, it's not logical. It's possible or maybe probable but to be logical one must know the context in which both made such comments. I don't think that Sotomayors stating that her struggles as a Latina female gave her an empathy others might not have is equivalent to the blatantly racist comments Sessions has made in the past such as saying he thought the KKK was not so bad a group until he found out they smoked pot or calling the NAACP "Communist" or "That pinko organization."

In other words you're "opinon" that Sotomayors comments on empathy equate with racial bias is just that, an opinon.

There can be no doubt about the racial bigotry of Sessions comments. That's not an opinion.

Therefore to compare the two as equivalent would be very illogical.

Do you have a link to the Session's comments that puts them in actual context?
Do you practice at being obtuse and stupid or is it a talent you were born with? I do so tire of unintelligable coments from GED equivalents such as you.

Hey, hey, HEY!

You're the one who spelled hypocrisy and chutzpah incorrectly in one freakin' paragraph.

Let's rethink your statement above, k? :readit: