Spike in US coronavirus cases as number of tests performed increases

You're a twat Jacqui, I have absolutely no time for you anymore.

You know, Jester, I have finally figured this out. I think, ... I think I know what the problem is ...
You're a 'forced seller'.
You've over extended yourself and now you are forced to sell your meagerly Holdings.
As the Market plunges, you're forced to raise Cash, you have to Sell to live.
This is what happens when you are Greedy. Margin Calls?
There's an old expression, let me repeat it to you:
'Bulls make Money, Bears make Money, ... Pigs get Slaughtered'

I have a Bad Vision for you.
You're going to lose everything ... and become a Pauper.
And it goes downhill from there.
Your wife becomes tired of you and takes on a Russian Lover.
Then ... it's your Brother ...
He realizes you're a Parasite and demands you carry your own weight.
Your daughter finally accepts the fact that you are a L.O.S.E.R.
... and as you spiral into a Living Hell,
your son legally changes his name to Pendryn.
There's more ... but (sigh) it's probably best I keep the REALLY bad part from you. :(
I have a Bad Vision for you.
You're going to lose everything ... and become a Pauper.
And it goes downhill from there.
Your wife becomes tired of you and takes on a Russian Lover.
Then ... it's your Brother ...
He realizes you're a Parasite and demands you carry your own weight.
Your daughter finally accepts the fact that you are a L.O.S.E.R.
... and as you spiral into a Living Hell,
your son legally changes his name to Pendryn.
There's more ... but (sigh) it's probably best I keep the REALLY bad part from you. :(

Was your ex wife's lover Russian?
So what has been achieved then by potentially risking a total fucking meltdown of the world's economy? How many people will die from suicide alone because they can't pay their bills? I'll wager that will be far more than the number from Wu Flu!! Sadly the world is populated by frightened rabbits like Jack Meoff. There are going to be a surfeit of articles in psychology circles about the collective madness of people. I think social media has a lot to do with it, maybe there should be an enforced shutdown of Facebook et al for a month?

Suicide isn't contagious!