Stand up against the Government!

I said, IF it served a tactical advantage.

So lets pretend that the rebels in Montgomery dont have vehicles capable of traveling without roads, but the US Government has very advanced ATV's. Yes I belive the US Government would blow up the roads so that they were the only ones capable of traveling.

Gee, if we're pretending; let's pretend that the citizens of Montgomery have secretly perfected transporters, food replicators, and phasers.
I probably wouldn't say "no possibility." But a possiblity so remote that it warrants no fear or consideration (like the idea of aliens invading).

Alien invasions (so far)- zero
tyrannical Govs- too many to list.

Why do you hate reality?
Well, if they can't go total war on a bunch of foreigners, don't think that they can do it on their own people. And if you look at some of the links I posted here, yes I can buy tanks and rockets, mortars, grenades, etc.

Hell they can be made in most machine shops.
Yes and yes.

Prior to the shooting what did this kid do that should have given his mom the power to commit him? If she thought he was a danger then why didn't she limit his access to her guns?

Really? She was mentally ill herself. Why else would she have provided guns and training to her mentally ill child?
Yes and yes.

Prior to the shooting what did this kid do that should have given his mom the power to commit him? If she thought he was a danger then why didn't she limit his access to her guns?

Why didn't Trayvon Martin's mother get counseling for her son; so wouldn't turn into a drug dealing, thug, who thought it was OK to assault people?
I’m sure there would be alternatives, however, if the survival of the democratic US was at stake then all options are on the table. As absurd as a nuclear option is it’s just as absurd to believe the US government would surrender to a bunch of rebels. That’s my point.

HA! Talk about credibility. I have been humoring you and your absurd posts/logic. Once a rebel becomes known his/her life is over. The US government will not fall and every nutter will be caught and locked up like the animals they are.

Not necessarily burn the home. Confiscate it and lock up the rebel. And, yes, the people would support that. The rebels would be disrupting people’s lives and people don’t like their life disrupted and they sure as hell wouldn’t want it disrupted because a few nutters (sorry for repeating that word but I love it!) are against ObamaCare or extended UI benefits or helping the needy or have some insane idea socialism is invading the government.

Can’t you understand it would be the rebels who would hide like rats in a sewer. The people would not side with you. Try to understand you wouldn’t get the numbers necessary. People are not going to give up their life and live like a fugitive because they have to pay a few cents more in taxes knowing the government will help them in a time of illness and unemployment.

The election gave then a clear choice. Toilet brushes for the poor kids, let the unemployed starve, to hell with the 47% of takers verses medical care and UI extensions and other social benefits. The choice was made and the ideas your side believe in were soundly rejected.

As for targeting people, yea, that’s a good way to get conscripts. Join us to fight against a democratically elected government, allow us to free you from democracy, or we’ll kill you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

No, the first thing you should do is get deprogrammed. Then educated on what a civil society is all about and have someone explain to you that your interpretation of what the Founding Fathers desired is so far off base its absurd. What was written over 200 years ago was appropriate for that time to fulfill their desires. Their desires do not change over time, however, the method to achieve them will and does. That’s why they arranged for a way to change the Constitution. They knew it would have to be changed as society progressed. The problem, today, is some people have not progressed along with the majority of society, the majority who voted for Obama. The majority who want medical care and other social programs suitable for the times.

You obviously have mistaken American citizens for Kanadians, who live to suckle at the teat of their Government, and you keep ignoring that those in the Military are also citizens of this country, who might just not agree with the Governments orders to loot homes and to start locking up citizens.
You obviously have mistaken American citizens for Kanadians, who live to suckle at the teat of their Government, and you keep ignoring that those in the Military are also citizens of this country, who might just not agree with the Governments orders to loot homes and to start locking up citizens.

I haven't mistaken anything. Did you see the election results or are you still in Rove mode? Why do you think the people re-elected Obama?

As for confiscating the assets of terrorists, which the rebels will be termed, there will be no opposition. The people in the military also have homes and families and a desire to have a normal life to which to return. They don't want an upside down country where terrorists try to destroy a democratically elected government.

My goodness, you're a silly man.
SO, now that my point has been distorted and smeared and the wackos have pretended not to understand... Ill restate it. *** hint **** Its in the form of a question...

Can anyone come up with times in the last 50 years when an individual used a gun to stand up to Government Authority and did not end up either gunned down himself or in Prison?
SO, now that my point has been distorted and smeared and the wackos have pretended not to understand... Ill restate it. *** hint **** Its in the form of a question...

Can anyone come up with times in the last 50 years when an individual used a gun to stand up to Government Authority and did not end up either gunned down himself or in Prison?
In America or world wide?

74 percent of NRA members believe concealed carry permits should only be granted to applicants who have completed gun safety training.
68 percent of NRA members believe concealed carry permits should only be granted to applicants who do not have prior arrests for domestic violence.
63 percent of NRA members believe concealed carry permits should only be granted to applicants 21 years of age or older.
75 percent of NRA members believe that concealed carry permits should be granted only to those applicants who have not committed any violent misdemeanors.

Really? She was mentally ill herself. Why else would she have provided guns and training to her mentally ill child?

She was? Where did you hear that? Infowars?

Not that I'm disagreeing with you since she's obviously a teabagger nutcase.
Who among the "well-regulated militia" has successfully resisted the US government by force of arms during our history?

[citation needed]
Again, the arms may never be necessary largely because they exist. 100 Million armed citizens are absolutely a deterrent. They need our support, and they need it willingly if we are armed.

Right! All we have to do is look at the monolthic cohesiveness displayed over and over again by our armed citizens. Just look at all the Libertarian presidents they've elected!
Right! All we have to do is look at the monolthic cohesiveness displayed over and over again by our armed citizens. Just look at all the Libertarian presidents they've elected!

They're in a Rove state of mind commonly known as D-E-N-I-A-L. After four years of Obama, from ObamaCare to UI extensions to his re-election, they still can't see the country is changing. But being the compassionate folks we are we'll help and support them in the transition.
How could Obama and his government tyranny have happened with all these well-regulated militiamen to resist the evil gubmint by force of arms?
She was? Where did you hear that? Infowars?

Not that I'm disagreeing with you since she's obviously a teabagger nutcase.

Why would I have to hear it anywhere? It is a logical deduction, as explained in the post you quoted. Only a lunatic would give a mentally ill child access to guns and training.