Star Trek

I have heard it is great, thanks, I will take Bud this weekend, it is suppose to rain here!
I have heard it is great, thanks, I will take Bud this weekend, it is suppose to rain here!

Hi Frog! It was even better than I expected, let me know what you think of it when you see it.

The weather here is finally beautiful, but we had weeks of solid rain. It sucked.
Hey, Darla, how have you been?

I haven't seen Star Trek yet but it was favorably reviewed, even with the reissue caveat. I'm skeptical that anyone other than Leonard Nimoy could be Spock, but am open to being convinced otherwise. :)

PS Haven't seen Onceler here for about three weeks, I guess.
Hey, Darla, how have you been?

I haven't seen Star Trek yet but it was favorably reviewed, even with the reissue caveat. I'm skeptical that anyone other than Leonard Nimoy could be Spock, but am open to being convinced otherwise. :)

PS Haven't seen Onceler here for about three weeks, I guess.

Great, how about you Thorn?

The guy who plays Spock really nails it. I won't give away any of the plot points, but there are some good surprises. I want to see it again before it's no longer on IMAX.
I enjoyed it, but expected spectacular. I got Star Trek, but not spectacular...

I liked it, but I wouldn't pay to see it again.
Zachary Quinto absolutely nailed Spock. The movie was exactly what I wanted it to be. I wish my dad had lived to see it, he would have approved.
I thought it was very good. The characters were very well developed and excellently portrayed, although the plot was fairly generic sci-fi.
Yeah Bones was the worst one of the loot.

Did you catch the admirals name that Scotty got pissed off at his concerning a beagle? I guess that was the first Enterprise captain. The prequal of this prequal.
Yeah Bones was the worst one of the loot.

Did you catch the admirals name that Scotty got pissed off at his concerning a beagle? I guess that was the first Enterprise captain. The prequal of this prequal.
It wasn't just that. Remember when they found Scotty trapped in a transporter device in Next Generation? He had been looking for that beagle...
The whole Captain/Admiral Pike character was a reference to the original captain from the Star Trek pilot episode before they brought in Shatner as Kirk. I'll have to watch it sometime...
The nod to Archer (Scott Bakula from Enterprise) and his beagle was a nice touch, as was putting Pike in a wheelchair, which is where he wound up in the original series.
but how will they get Romulus and Vulcan back?

Some time travel thing that makes my head hurt I am sure.
but how will they get Romulus and Vulcan back?

Some time travel thing that makes my head hurt I am sure.

No, you see, they don't have to. By the very nature of the events in the movie, the future has been changed. The implication of this could bother some Trek fans, but I don't find it bothersome. To boil it down... if we were to consider all the Trek shows we've seen over the years, that history is changed by what happened in this new movie. Perhaps Kirk never ran into Harcourt Fenton "Harry" Mudd, perhaps they never had trouble with tribbles, maybe Riker was captain in Next Generation rather tha Picard. This speculation is evidenced by the fact that Spock was never captain of the Enterprise. When Nero first entered the time this film is set, he killed Kirk's father and changed the timeline.
No, you see, they don't have to. By the very nature of the events in the movie, the future has been changed. The implication of this could bother some Trek fans, but I don't find it bothersome. To boil it down... if we were to consider all the Trek shows we've seen over the years, that history is changed by what happened in this new movie. Perhaps Kirk never ran into Harcourt Fenton "Harry" Mudd, perhaps they never had trouble with tribbles, maybe Riker was captain in Next Generation rather tha Picard. This speculation is evidenced by the fact that Spock was never captain of the Enterprise. When Nero first entered the time this film is set, he killed Kirk's father and changed the timeline.

but it has already happened in a future event.
So this movie took place in a parallel universe?
but it has already happened in a future event.
So this movie took place in a parallel universe?

No no no... see, this movie is set before all the other movies and T.V. shows, so essentially, the events in all of those have changed. It's almost as if none of that happened. This movie takes place in the regular Trek universe, but because it is essentially set in the past in relation to all other Trek, with the exception of Enterprise, everything we think we know could have possibly been changed.