Star Trek

But Pike is in a wheelchair?
So everything is not changed.
But then that is centuries down the road so what has not happened yet could not be changed?
But Pike is in a wheelchair?
So everything is not changed.
But then that is centuries down the road so what has not happened yet could not be changed?

Except that, in The Menagerie we learn that Pike is severely injured while rescuing several cadets from a baffle plate rupture onboard a J-class training vessel, the delta ray radiation leaving him paralyzed, mute, badly scarred which is how he wound up in a wheelchair. In the new movie, he finds himself there as a result of the torture suffered at the hands of Nero.

Now, stop it... I'm starting to look like a true Trek geek and I've never even been to a convention! LOL
Except that, in The Menagerie we learn that Pike is severely injured while rescuing several cadets from a baffle plate rupture onboard a J-class training vessel, the delta ray radiation leaving him paralyzed, mute, badly scarred which is how he wound up in a wheelchair. In the new movie, he finds himself there as a result of the torture suffered at the hands of Nero.

Now, stop it... I'm starting to look like a true Trek geek and I've never even been to a convention! LOL


I have never been to a convention either. I went to a mid week showing and only 6 other people were in the theatre.

btw I live in conservative territory.
Except that, in The Menagerie we learn that Pike is severely injured while rescuing several cadets from a baffle plate rupture onboard a J-class training vessel, the delta ray radiation leaving him paralyzed, mute, badly scarred which is how he wound up in a wheelchair. In the new movie, he finds himself there as a result of the torture suffered at the hands of Nero.

Now, stop it... I'm starting to look like a true Trek geek and I've never even been to a convention! LOL
That's because the time lines changed. Spock served on the Enterprise under Pike for 6 years, Kirk's father watched as he was promoted to Captain and given charge of the Enterprise....

In this time line Nemo killed Kirk's father and put Pike into a wheelchair 6 years early.
I thought Spocks father survived and only his mother died?

But the entire thing was Spocks fault for letting Romulus get blown up.
In theory, 129 years from the end of this movie, if Spock (knowledgable about what will happen) manages to prevent the destruction of Romulus, then the time scenareo will be altered once more...
I thought Spocks father survived and only his mother died?

But the entire thing was Spocks fault for letting Romulus get blown up.
Kirk's father died. Re-read my post.

In the original time line, Kirk's father watched as he was promoted, in the "current" time line Kirk's father died on the day he was born. In the original time line Pike was the Captain of the Enterprise for 6 years with Spock as science officer, in this one Pike was taken and tortured into a wheelchair long before that.
That's because the time lines changed. Spock served on the Enterprise under Pike for 6 years, Kirk's father watched as he was promoted to Captain and given charge of the Enterprise....

In this time line Nemo killed Kirk's father and put Pike into a wheelchair 6 years early.

Kirk's father died. Re-read my post.

In the original time line, Kirk's father watched as he was promoted, in the "current" time line Kirk's father died on the day he was born. In the original time line Pike was the Captain of the Enterprise for 6 years with Spock as science officer, in this one Pike was taken and tortured into a wheelchair long before that.

Kirk's father died. Re-read my post.

In the original time line, Kirk's father watched as he was promoted, in the "current" time line Kirk's father died on the day he was born. In the original time line Pike was the Captain of the Enterprise for 6 years with Spock as science officer, in this one Pike was taken and tortured into a wheelchair long before that.

Yeah I misread. sorry.

I do not remember Kirks father in any of the shows or movies prior to this one.
Great, how about you Thorn?

The guy who plays Spock really nails it. I won't give away any of the plot points, but there are some good surprises. I want to see it again before it's no longer on IMAX.

does one have to be a trekky nerd like you to like the movie or can i watch it to? will i know what's going on? i've never seen an ep of star trek in my life.
Yeah I misread. sorry.

I do not remember Kirks father in any of the shows or movies prior to this one.
I don't believe he was more than a walk-on, if he was ever really pictured. They did mention it in this movie. Kirk asked Spock (Leonard Nimoy Spock) if he had known his father in the universe that Spock knew, Spock informed him that his father watched proudly as he ascended to the Captaincy of the Enterprise....
does one have to be a trekky nerd like you to like the movie or can i watch it to? will i know what's going on? i've never seen an ep of star trek in my life.
You will like the movie, but won't catch some of the link-ins from the TV Series.
No, you see, they don't have to. By the very nature of the events in the movie, the future has been changed. The implication of this could bother some Trek fans, but I don't find it bothersome. To boil it down... if we were to consider all the Trek shows we've seen over the years, that history is changed by what happened in this new movie. Perhaps Kirk never ran into Harcourt Fenton "Harry" Mudd, perhaps they never had trouble with tribbles, maybe Riker was captain in Next Generation rather tha Picard. This speculation is evidenced by the fact that Spock was never captain of the Enterprise. When Nero first entered the time this film is set, he killed Kirk's father and changed the timeline.

Yes, a lot of the big trekkies are up in arms over this, but I loved it! And I have some cred, having actually been a big enough nerd to attend a star trek convention, okay? So when I laugh at how whacked out some trekkies are, it means something. Do you know that some of them actually obsess over how Khan can recognize Chekov in the second movie, when Chekeov wasn't "on the enterprise" yet when the original Space Seed aired? And they have actually come up with the explanation that Chekov must have been on the ship, but like, down on the engineering decks rather than the bridge, so Khan met him then.

I love Star Trek, but I always knew it didn't actually happen, you know? Some of them are scary.
does one have to be a trekky nerd like you to like the movie or can i watch it to? will i know what's going on? i've never seen an ep of star trek in my life.

I think it'd be hard not to like it. It's a real action movie, special effects, and it's got a real sexiness to it as well.
You were right though, the guy who played McCoy was the only one who approached parody, especially that one line.
That was pretty much the only moment of the movie that they lost me for a sec.

He did well with the "Green-blooded hobgoblin" and "are you out of your Vulcan mind?" lines, and is definitely a better actor than the original Bones.