Starbucks and coke

Yeah, and I read a few that say that cigarettes weren't bad for you... That's the way of things...

Now don't get all disingenuious on me Damo. I doubt that you have read anything by a credible medical source written in the past 15 years or so that says cigs are good for ya.
Now don't get all disingenuious on me Damo. I doubt that you have read anything by a credible medical source written in the past 15 years or so that says cigs are good for ya.
There were many studies by well-educated scientists that produced such articles in the past. So, articles by these could just as easily be wrong as those were.
Actually, a high coffee consumption has been linked to pancreatic cancer. It all depends on whether a person is physiologically vulnerable.

I'd hate to have to give up my morning brew!
Yes it is, if none are born none die. It is the base cause of all death.

Ah, but to attribute causality you have to consider whether birth alone is both necessary (it is) and sufficient (it is not). So although without birth there is no death, birth cannot be called a cause of death.
It's also bad for your breath and therefore effecting to others! Definitely coffee should be banned in the State of NY...
It's the milk and sugar that give you stinkbreath. Black coffee by itself is actually a deodorizer.
Dang dude, gave up the "alone" stuff since childhood. That was a long time ago. That's why rob's description of the coffee: " makes you like zooomin.... then after a while your beat...." reminded me of sex. I ain't no spring chicken anymore.:)