Ok, many many questions haha!
Ok, Well, those 40,000 people we are planning to go door to door over a course of weeks. I have experience in this as I was a field staffer on 4 campaigns. If we don't get over 50% of the population, we will leave and not bother. We have a Constitution and a Declaration of Independence prepared. As for Military retaliation, we won't have to deal with that as they have no military or strong allies. In fact, They only have a police force and their ally would not help them as the UN Charter forbids it, Article 2(4). Ok,PAy would be yet to be determined. Well, I don't want the people to think I'm in it for power, because I'm not, so I'd take a royal position as I'd have no power and let the people elect the House of Lords and Commons and Prime Minister. Did I get everything?