NO, IVAN IS IN BED WITH YOUR MOTHER THOUGH. IVAN HAD WAIT IN LINE LONGER THAN FOR HIS 3 SQUARES OF PAPER FOR TOILET.Ivan, does your mommy know you are out of bed? It is well past your bedtime. The street lights are on.
IVAN KNOW WHEN SHE DIE. SHE DIE IN THROWS OF PASSION WITH IVAN.Then you are going to need to get to the hospital. My mom died in 1975. I am sure you will require medical attention
Then you are going to need to get to the hospital. My mom died in 1975. I am sure you will require medical attention
As an obamacult member you much prefer death threats against the children of those who do not follow your messiah.I hate mother jokes.
he didnt read it, moron.REALLY? Did the author revise the US Constitution moron?
The Founding Fathers are frequently quoted in the gun control debate, but many of those quotations turn out to be fake.
The most popular comment on a recent story about gun control featured a purported quotation from Thomas Jefferson. More than 2,000 votes pushed it to the top.
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty," reads the quotation. "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
The same quotation has been posted dozens of times in other readers' posts. Some readers worked to debunk it by mentioning, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation's website, which has a section devoted to "spurious" quotations that have been attributed to the third president of the United States. The website lists several variations of the quotation, featured on two pages, and says staff "have not found any evidence that Thomas Jefferson said or wrote" those words.
Former Marines share dramatically different stances on gun violence
Duane Tigner, a commenter who said he teaches American government to high school students in Sanford, Michigan, described feeling a responsibility to educate young people about the need to develop a discerning eye about the information they come across. Tigner was one of the readers who mentioned that the quotation had been debunked. He suggests starting with a Google search, which often will quickly turn up information about a quotation.
"Many of these quotations are circulated and reposted on social media or appear in chain e-mails," he said via e-mail. "Every time I see one of these bogus quotes, I call it out as fake."
For others, the message of the quotation rings true even if the quotation isn't entirely accurate. A commenter named Henry from Charlotte, North Carolina, said he read through the Monticello page, but he isn't ready to declare that the comment is fake.
"I do not know if Jefferson actually ever made such a statement or not, (but) I find it odd that many people attribute it to him if it wasn't true. It's ridiculous in my opinion to propose that since nowhere in his writings there is trace of such a statement, then Jefferson has never said something like that. Jefferson could have come up with those words in any occasion of his public or private life and someone else recorded and then quoted him."
CNN decided to look at the reasons why apparently fake quotes can be so popular. Many have an underlying message.
A recent Facebook privacy hoax inspired users to share faux copyright legalese with all their friends. In the words of one worried Facebook poster, "It may have been a hoax, but it did not hurt!" The sentiment of the post text was important, regardless of where it originated.
Then, even more recently, actor Morgan Freeman found himself in a quotation controversy regarding comments attributed to him about last month's school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, that left 20 children dead. The statement, which blamed the media for sensationalizing the tragedy, spread on social media.
"He neither wrote nor posted nor had any knowledge of it," Freeman's publicist told HLN.
Still, Freeman's star power helped propel a provocative idea. Likewise, Jefferson's words appear to have also been in great demand since the Newtown shooting.
The site techs have recorded an uptick in traffic to their quotations area since early December. Spokeswoman Lisa Stites sent along statistics indicating traffic increases of nearly 1,000% on some of the remarks, and especially on the "spurious" quotes. Several of these quotations have appeared in CNN comments.
Anna Berkes, research librarian at the Jefferson Library, said there are extensive records of Jefferson's writings and communications. Just about every quotation from Jefferson can be documented somehow, she said.
The earliest reference to the "tyranny in government" quotation that Berkes has noted thus far is within a 1989 opinion-editorial about gun rights from The Orlando Sentinel in Florida. She said the first part of the section of the article where the quotation appears, which begins with "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms," has been verified. But the rest of it has not been found in Jefferson's writings.
Berkes said there are often clues that help identify quotes from Jefferson, such as the vocabulary of his time and the typical sentence styles he used. Over time, Berkes added, a researcher gains a keen sense for these discrepancies; Jefferson composed mostly written communication rather than text meant to be spoken.
Jefferson was very wordy, and a lot of the quotes I see are very snappy," Berkes said. "They sound like they were maybe composed by a 20th century speechwriter."
Amazing the rightwing mods don't have a problem with facist going after kidsYou should kill their children and force them to watch whilst their wives are raped.
Hey Grind did you read that play I suggested?
You and the NRA have crossed the line from supporting guns in the hands of 'law abiding' citizens to supporting guns in the hands of ANYONE.
That makes you an enemy of We, the People, a danger to society.
Throughout its 142-year history, the National Rifle Association has portrayed itself as an advocate for the individual gun owner’s Second Amendment rights. In turn, the NRA relied on those gun owners, especially its 4 million or so members, to pressure lawmakers into carrying out its anti-gun control agenda.
In the last two decades, however, the deep-pocketed NRA has increasingly relied on the support of another constituency: the $12-billion-a-year gun industry, made up of manufacturers and sellers of firearms, ammunition and related wares. That alliance was sealed in 2005, when Congress, after heavy NRA lobbying, approved a measure that gave gunmakers and gun distributors broad, and unprecedented, immunity from a wave of liability lawsuits related to gun violence in America’s cities.
It was a turning point for both the NRA and the industry, both of which recognized the mutual benefits of a partnership. That same year, the NRA also launched a lucrative new fundraising drive to secure “corporate partners” that’s raked in millions from the gun industry to boost its operations.
Is the nation’s most potent gun lobby mainly looking out for its base constituency, the estimated 80 million Americans who own a firearm? Or is it acting on behalf of those that make and sell those guns?
According to a 2012 poll conducted by GOP pollster Frank Luntz for Mayors Against Illegal Guns, 74 percent of NRA members support mandatory background checks for all gun purchases, a position that the NRA has stridently opposed. “There’s a big difference between the NRA’s rank and file and the NRA’s Washington lobbyists, who live and breathe for a different purpose,” Mark Glaze, the executive director of the gun control group, said.
The questions about the NRA's ties to the gun industry, and whether those ties have influenced its agenda, have come to the forefront in the wake of horrific mass shootings last year in Connecticut, Colorado and Wisconsin.
Just advising howie to do to all NRA types as he threatened to do to me!Amazing the rightwing mods don't have a problem with facist going after kids
You should kill his kids and force him to watch whilst his wife is raped!Damn. I guess I'm going to have to post that in all hundred of STY's stupid posts, huh?
What an ignorant fuck you are. Our founding fathers didn't fear the government they created. Why don't you fucking READ WHAT THEY SAID, instead of emoting from under the bed.
You should kill their kids and force them to watch whilst their wives are raped!The NRA does not support lawful gun ownership, the support ANY gun ownership, as long as it sells guns. They are an enemy of the people. And so are you.
The N.R.A. Protection Racket
The most blatant protection racket is orchestrated by the National Rifle Association, which is ruthless against candidates who are tempted to stray from its view that all gun regulations are pure evil. Debra Maggart, a Republican leader in the Tennessee House of Representatives, was one of its most recent victims. The N.R.A. spent around $100,000 to defeat her in the primary, because she would not support a bill that would have allowed people to keep guns locked in their cars on private property without the property owner’s consent.
The message to Republicans is clear: “We will help you get elected and protect your seat from Democrats. We will spend millions on ads that make your opponent look worse than the average holdup man robbing a liquor store. In return, we expect you to oppose any laws that regulate guns. These include laws requiring handgun registration, meaningful background checks on purchasers, limiting the right to carry concealed weapons, limiting access to semiautomatic weapons or anything else that would diminish the firepower available to anybody who wants it. And if you don’t comply, we will load our weapons and direct everything in our arsenal at you in the next Republican primary.”
Richard W. Painter, a professor of law at the University of Minnesota, was the chief White House ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush from 2005 to 2007.
The NRA has exposed itslf for what it really is.
when every American understand the NRA is why we dont have background checks the NRA is dead.
The vast majority of Americans think we already have a back ground check law.
we dont and the gun show and internet sells of guns are not known by most Americans.
SOON these facts will be common knowledge.
When it common knowlegde that the reason we dont have them is the NRA fights them the NRA is going to tank
You should kill their kids and force them to watch whilst their wives are raped!They always talk about it like every single gun owner is going to come out & join them and there will be this mass armed revolution.
In reality, it will just be a few nutters, who will be arrested immediately. If they ever do get out of jail - depending on how much damage they do - they will never be able to own a firearm again.