stats on tom


on indefiniate mod break
before this thread, tom was the threadstarter of 11/20 threads on the first page of whatever goes.

thought you guys should know what a spammer he is.

carry on
I thought starting threads would be considered a good thing, otherwise, what would we talk about?

I like your posts, the others are just jealous of your abilities, it happens on this forum a lot. The green eyed monsters pop in all the time!

Yurt has posted over 21,000 posts in under two years, whereas I've posted 5,000 in one year.
Yurt has posted over 21,000 posts in under two years, whereas I've posted 5,000 in one year.

thats because i debate and play werewolf :), wheras you use this forum as your personal joke/blog/whatnot....

and its funny how rana thanked you and you thinks my posts are somehow a bad thing...when rana just said posting is a good thing....typical rana...bad if a con does it, good if a liberal does it

why don't you debate more instead of just posting mostly boring crap you find amusing? i often lose sight of threads in this forum because you often post 10 or so joke threads or some thing you find amusing. maybe you can you simply combine them instead of posting everything you think is funny from the internet here.
thats because i debate and play werewolf :), wheras you use this forum as your personal joke/blog/whatnot....

and its funny how rana thanked you and you thinks my posts are somehow a bad thing...when rana just said posting is a good thing....typical rana...bad if a con does it, good if a liberal does it

why don't you debate more instead of just posting mostly boring crap you find amusing? i often lose sight of threads in this forum because you often post 10 or so joke threads or some thing you find amusing. maybe you can you simply combine them instead of posting everything you think is funny from the internet here.

You really are a prat, if you looked in current events you would see that I post regularly. Why don't you initiate another poll asking if I post too much?
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before this thread, tom was the threadstarter of 11/20 threads on the first page of whatever goes.

thought you guys should know what a spammer he is.

carry on


Then I suggest you go back to 2/4/11 and check out who started EIGHTEEN DIFFERENT THREADS in just two hours...all devoted to cookies.

Who's the spammer?
You really are a prat, if you looked in current events you would see that I post regularly. Why don't you initiate another poll asking if I post too much?

Oh, did I hurt his little whiney feelings, no, it is bad to whine, good to post jokes, videos, articles, but the constant back and forth whining is what I hate and why I don't read yurt. Yurt is a self absorbed cry baby. I don't do cry baby whiners, like Yurt. The constant posting I don't mind, it is just the childish back and forth, like Yurt perpetuates that gets real old. Damn Yankee is another, they chase their tails all day long and think it is fun for the rest of us to watch, it isn't. It is boring and tedious to surf through stupid whiney posts.
You really are a prat, if you looked in current events you would see that I post regularly. Why don't you initiate another poll asking if I post too much?

why do you have be a dick and ignore my suggestions? i was only trying to help and offer friendly suggestions, but of course tom gets all butt hurt and gets pissy because someone dares have a reasonable suggestion for him

it makes it more difficult to read this forum when you spam with it numerous different joke threads nearly everyday. why not just make a joke thread and add to it? does every single joke have to be a new thread? maybe you don't care if it makes harder for others to read the forum because you're a prick...
Oh, did I hurt his little whiney feelings, no, it is bad to whine, good to post jokes, videos, articles, but the constant back and forth whining is what I hate and why I don't read yurt. Yurt is a self absorbed cry baby. I don't do cry baby whiners, like Yurt. The constant posting I don't mind, it is just the childish back and forth, like Yurt perpetuates that gets real old. Damn Yankee is another, they chase their tails all day long and think it is fun for the rest of us to watch, it isn't. It is boring and tedious to surf through stupid whiney posts.

actually, you're the one constantly crying about my posts. crying that i attack people, then turning around and thanking onceler and when attacks me. you love it when your liberals buddies attack people. you hate it when people debate a different piont than you, you call it chasing their tails. what a whiner.

you're an intellectually dishonest hack, its good for your liberals friends, but bad for conservatives, so you'll whine when conservatives to something that you LOVE your liberals buddies doing.
I thought starting threads would be considered a good thing, otherwise, what would we talk about?

I like your posts, the others are just jealous of your abilities, it happens on this forum a lot. The green eyed monsters pop in all the time!

yes I am very jealous :)

I think people interpret my attacks of tom as something personal, it isn't. I think tom's skin is a bit thinner than others on the site.

All of the youngins make fun of each other all the time, and we are bff's. I call captbilly captain retard and make fun of detroit, I sometimes call watermark watersuck, I make fun of beefy, beefy makes fun of me, etc

Sooooo yeah, I don't actually hate tom <3

But his threads do annoy me, that much is true.

But I also realize people think all my threads are dumb. Difference is I am cognizant of that fact.

Then I suggest you go back to 2/4/11 and check out who started EIGHTEEN DIFFERENT THREADS in just two hours...all devoted to cookies.

Who's the spammer?

lol, touche my friend. Though everyone knows that was me many standard deviations above my norm. So your point is largely moot :)